
Seven arctic wolves (北极狼) move smoothly across a frozen pool and begin to run after a thick piece office.

The three older wolves are ___1___ wildly, hitting the four young wolves and sending them rolling (打滚) on the frozen grass. But the young jump up and run back onto the frozen pool to ___2___ the game. Finally, the youngest wolf quickly catches the ice, making it to pieces. Game over. The rest of the wolves ___3___ him, as if to say, “What now?” Then, one by one, they all turn to look at me.

I’ve been ___4___ these seven wolves for hours, keeping a good distance (距离) between us so they don’t feel ___5___. There’s probably no other place on Earth than Ellesmere Island (Canada’s northernmost island) where wolves would let a human sit alongside them like I’m doing. For this ___6___, I traveled here to join a documentary (纪录片) film team.

They ___7___ I was there, but they hadn’t paid any attention to me—until now. I ___8___ as our eyes meet. No matter how playful they appeared a few minutes before, I remember that these are ___9___ wild animals.

The wolves begin to walk toward me. But they ___10___ me before stopping at their preferred prey (猎物). Most of the meat is ___11___, but enough for each wolf to have something to eat. Every few minutes, one of the wolves looks over at me, but none of them seem ___12___. I relax a little as I watch them eat.

After they finish feeding on the prey, they walk slowly to the grass for a ___13___. The young stay together while each older wolf finds a comfortable place alone.

Many hours later, they begin to wake up. It’s time to eat again. What happens next makes me ___14___: The three older wolves run off into the hills for food, leaving me with the young! I suppose they understood it would be ___15___ to be with me.


A eating

B looking

C digging

D playing

解析:选D。句意:三只老狼疯狂地玩耍,把四只小狼打得在冰冻草地上打滚。 eating吃;looking看;digging挖;playing玩。根据“The three older wolves are...wildly, hitting the four young wolves and sending them rolling (打滚) on the frozen grass.”和下文“the game”可知,几只狼在玩,故选D。


A start

B continue

C stop

D end

解析:选B。句意:但是年轻小狼跳起来,跑回结冰的池子上继续游戏。 start开始;continue继续;stop停止;end结束。根据“But the young jump up and run back onto the frozen pool to...the game.”可知,小狼继续游戏。故选B。


A stare at

B escape from

C fight with

D step on

解析:选A。句意:其余的狼盯着他,好像在说:“现在怎么办?” stare at盯着;escape from逃离;fight with打仗;step on踏上。根据“The rest of the wolves...him”可知,其余的狼盯着他,故选A。


A drawing

B protecting

C watching

D guiding

解析:选C。句意:我已经看这七只狼好几个小时了,我们之间保持着一定的距离,这样它们就不会感到害怕。 drawing画画;protecting保护;watching观看。guiding引导。根据“I’ve been...these seven wolves for hours”可知,看这七只狼好几个小时了,故选C。


A lonely

B afraid

C tired

D hungry

解析:选B。句意:我已经看这七只狼好几个小时了,我们之间保持着一定的距离,这样它们就不会感到害怕。 lonely孤独的;afraid害怕的;tired累的;hungry饥饿的。根据“keeping a good distance (距离) between us so they don’t feel...”可知,保持距离这样就不会害怕,故选B。


A chance

B reason

C purpose

D result

解析:选B。句意:为此,我来到这里加入了一个纪录片摄制组。 chance机会;reason原因;purpose目的;result结果。根据“For this..., I traveled here to join a documentary (纪录片) film team.”可知,为此来到这里加入了一个纪录片摄制组,故选B。


A doubted

B forgot

C knew

D hoped

解析:选C。句意:它们知道我在那里,但它们没有注意到我——直到现在。 doubted怀疑;forgot忘记;knew知道;hoped希望。根据“They...I was there, but they hadn’t paid any attention to me”可知,它们知道我在那里,故选C。


A smile

B nod

C leave

D shake

解析:选D。句意:当我们的目光相遇时,我发抖了。 smile微笑;nod点头;leave离开;shake发抖,哆嗦。根据常识可知,与野生狼四目相对会害怕、发抖,故选D。


A once

B only

C also

D still

解析:选D。句意:不管它们几分钟前显得多么顽皮,我记得它们仍然是野生动物。 once曾经;only只;also也;still仍然。根据“No matter how playful they appeared a few minutes before, I remember that these are...wild animals.”可知,它们仍然是野生动物。故选D。


A warn

B catch

C rush

D pass

解析:选D。句意:但它们从我身边经过后才在它们喜欢的猎物前停下来。 warn警告;catch抓;rush冲;pass经过。根据“But they...me before stopping at their preferred prey (猎物).”可知,它们从我身边经过。故选D。


A broken

B hidden

C gone

D done

解析:选C。句意:大部分肉都没了,但足够每只狼有东西吃。 broken打破;hidden隐藏;gone消失,不见;done做。根据“ Most of the meat is..., but enough for each wolf to have something to eat.”可知,大部分肉都没了,故选C。


A bothered

B controlled

C forced

D fooled

解析:选A。句意:每隔几分钟,其中一只狼就会看我一眼,但它们似乎都没有觉得被打扰。 bothered打扰;controlled控制;forced强迫;fooled愚弄。根据“Every few minutes, one of the wolves looks over at me, but none of them seem...”可知,它们似乎都没有觉得被打扰。故选A。


A game

B sleep

C meal

D film

解析:选B。句意:吃完猎物后,它们慢慢地走到草地上睡觉。 game游戏;sleep睡觉;meal餐;film电影。根据后文“Many hours later, they begin to wake up.”可知,先睡觉,才会醒来,故选B。


A scared

B satisfied

C surprised

D stressed

解析:选C。句意:接下来发生的事情让我很惊讶:三只老狼跑到山上去找食物了,把我和小狼留在一起! scared害怕的;satisfied满意的;surprised惊讶的;stressed有压力的。根据“The three older wolves run off into the hills for food, leaving me with the young”可知,老狼把我和小狼留在一起这件事让人惊讶,故选C。


A safe

B lucky

C funny

D free

解析:选A。句意:我想它们知道和我在一起是安全的。 safe安全的;lucky幸运的;funny有趣的;free自由的。根据“I suppose they understood it would be...to be with me.”可知,它们知道和我在一起是安全的。故选A。