西班牙拉帕尔马岛上火山喷发 当地居民流离失所
西班牙拉帕尔马岛上火山喷发 当地居民流离失所

It has been one month since the Cumbre Vieja volcano began bursting on the Spanish island of La Palma. The eruption forced Culberta Cruz, her husband and their dog to leave their home. Today, they are living in a small vehicle as they wait to be able to safely return home. They see no end of their situation in sight. “I’m tired, so tired ... but who are we to fight against nature?” the 56-year-old Cruz said.

Cruz and her husband, banana grower Tono Gonzalez, must remove volcanic ash from their vehicle each day. The volcano continues to burst. “One day it’s exploding there, the other a vent(火山口) opens here,” Cruz said. “It’s just painful and living in fear, waiting and praying for it to stop erupting. And it’s a lot of sadness for those who lost their homes,” she added.

Red-hot lava, or liquid rock, has covered almost 800 hectares(公顷) of land. The lava has destroyed about 2,000 buildings and many banana-growing areas. The volcano started erupting on September 19. More than 6,000 people on La Palma have had to leave their homes. The island is one of Spain’s Canary Islands. The island group sits off the coast of northeastern Africa. Volcano experts have said they cannot predict for how long the Cumbre Vieja volcano will keep releasing extremely hot liquid rock.

After being ordered to evacuate, Cruz and Gonzalez first stayed at a family member’s farm. They later took their vehicle to a parking area. There, they could get fresh water and a bit of electricity. They are now looking into a temporary place to live that permits animals. “We don’t know when it’s going to stop, that’s the problem,” Gonzalez said. “This is nature and we have to deal with it, it’s bigger than us.”


1.According to Paragraph 1, we know that_____.

A La Palma is really a good place to live

B a lot of people survived the volcano eruption

C the Cumbre Vieja volcano bursts twice in a month

D Culberta Cruz’s family had to keep away for their home

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段The eruption forced Culberta Cruz, her husband and their dog to leave their home.可知,火山爆发迫使卡尔伯塔·克鲁兹(Culberta Cruz)、她的丈夫和他们的狗离开自己的家园。故选D。

2.What might be the local residents’ attitude towards the eruption?

A Calm.

B Hopeful.

C Pessimistic.

D Optimistic.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第二段的It’s just painful and living in fear, waiting and praying for it to stop erupting. And it’s a lot of sadness for those who lost their homes可知,克鲁兹认为“这让人非常痛苦,我们都生活在恐惧中,祈祷它不再爆发。对于那些失去家园的人来说,这是万分悲痛的。”由此推断当地居民应该也是悲观的,故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “lava” mean in Chinese?

A 碎片.

B 积聚.

C 积聚.

D 熔岩.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据该划线词前的Red-hot(炽热的)以及该词后面的liquid rock(液态岩石)可以推测lava指的是火山爆发中的“熔岩”。故选D。

4.What do Cruz’s family intend to do in the following days?

A To continue camping in a parking area.

B To stay at a family member’s farm.

C To look for a place to live with their dog.

D To return to their home to get something.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据最后一段They are now looking into a temporary place to live that permits animals.可知,他们现在正在寻找一个允许动物居住的临时住所。故选C。