
    It is 2024 now. Yan Hongsen is 11 years old. He is from East China’s Zhejiang province. These days, he is very popular on the Internet and many Internet users praise him for his amazing skill. He builds his own rockets at home!

    Two years ago, the boy’s name also appeared in media reports. He found a mistake in a video from a museum in Lhasa, Southwest China’s Xizang Autonomous Region. The museum then acknowledged the mistake, stating that “it was wrong.”

    According to media reports, at the age of 4, Yan was taken by his father to watch the launch (发射) of a carrier rocket. The experience completely aroused his interest in rockets. He has since taken some courses about rockets on the Internet. He started to build rockets at the age of 8. He successfully launched his first one the next year. He is improving the second rocket now.

    Throughout the day, aside from (除……以外) eating, sleeping, swimming, and studying, Yan spends his free time on rockets. According to the report, he has written over 600 lines of code (代码) for the rocket he is  developing now.

    Many Internet users on Weibo have praised the boy for his abilities and have sent their best wishes to him.

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1.What is Yan Hongsen well known for on the Internet in 2024?

A Finding a mistake in a museum video.

B Building his own rockets at home.

C Winning a rocket contest.

D Writing a book about rockets.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“He builds his own rockets at home!”可知,这个男孩火遍全国各大网站,是因为他自己在家造“火箭”。故选B。

2.How old was Yan Hongsen when he first found a mistake in a museum video?

A 4 years old.

B 8 years old.

C 9 years old.

D 11 years old.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第一段中的“Yan Hongsen is 11 years old.”和第二段中的“Two years ago, the boy’s name also appeared in media reports.”可知,严弘森今年11岁,两年前(即九岁时),他因一次意外的“小插曲”赢得了公众的广泛关注和赞誉,他在拉萨参观天文馆时指出了馆内视频的一个错误。故选C。

3.What made Yan Hongsen become interested in rockets?

A Watching a video about rockets online.

B Visiting a museum in Lhasa.

C Seeing a carrier rocket launch.

D Reading a book about rockets.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段的“Yan was taken by his father to watch the launch of a carrier rocket. The experience completely aroused his interest in rockets.”可知,在严弘森4岁时,他爸爸带他亲眼见证了运载火箭的发射升空,从那时起他对火箭就有了浓厚的兴趣。故选C。

4.It takes Yan Hongsen _________ to launch his first rocket successfully.

A one year

B two years

C three years

D four years

解析:选A。A数字计算题。根据第三段中的“He started to build rockets at the age of 8. He successfully launched his first one the next year.”可知,严弘森从8岁开始造“火箭”,第二年即9岁时,他成功发射了第一枚火箭,也就是只用了一年时间就使第一枚火箭发射成功。故选A。

5.What does Yan Hongsen do in his free time?

A He watches TV.

B He plays video games.

C He does the housework.

D He works on building rockets.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Yan spends his free time on rockets.”可知,从早到晚,严弘森除了吃饭、睡觉、游泳、学习和写作业,其他的碎片时间全都去研究火箭了。故选D。