
BEIJING, May 28, 2024 (Xinhua News)—The Shenzhou-18 crew (全体工作人员) completed the first spacewalk of their mission (任务) at 6:58 p.m. (Beijing Time) on Tuesday, according to the CMSA (中国载人航天局).

The two members of the Shenzhou-18, Ye Guangfu and Li Guangsu, started their spacewalk. They worked outside the Tiangong space station for nearly 8.5 hours. With the help of space equipment (设备) and a team on Earth, they successfully completed many tasks during their spacewalk, including some difficult fixing tasks. Now they have returned to the Wentian lab module (实验舱). The third crew member, Li Cong, stayed inside Tiangong to provide support.

The Shenzhou-18 crew has set a new record for the longest single spacewalk by Chinese astronauts.

This marked Ye’s second time to have a spacewalk and his first spacewalk was in the Shenzhou-13 mission, but this is the first time for Li Guangsu to start a spacewalk.

The mission will include many tasks. First of all, the three members will do a series of space science experiments (实验) and many necessary tests. And then, they will carry out more activities and do some fixing work outside the space station. The three astronauts will work on board Tiangong until late October, according to the CMSA.

So far, Chinese astronauts have successfully carried out 15 spacewalks in all. On September 27, 2008, astronaut Zhai Zhigang in Shenzhou-7 mission made history as China’s first person to take a spacewalk, which lasted about 19 minutes.

The Shenzhou-15 crew has achieved a milestone (里程碑) by having 4 spacewalks, marking the highest number of spacewalks by a single Chinese astronaut crew.

The Shenzhou-17 members completed, for the first time, the repair work to keep the equipment in good condition during their second spacewalk, which lasted about 8 hours.

1.1. What is the news mainly about?

A Li Cong provided support inside the space station.

B The Shenzhou-17 crew started to carry out new tasks.

C The Shenzhou-18 crew completed the first spacewalk.

D Ye Guangfu worked outside the space station for 8.5 hours.

解析:选C。主旨大意C。新闻开头明确指出:“The Shenzhou-18 crew completed the first spacewalk of their mission at 6:58 p.m. (Beijing Time) on Tuesday”,即神舟十八号乘组在周二下午6:58完成了任务中的首次太空行走。这是新闻的主要内容。

2.2.What is the new record set by the Shenzhou-18 crew?

A The longest single spacewalk.

B The most difficult fixing tasks.

C The most successful experiments.

D The highest number of spacewalks.

解析:选A。细节理解A。新闻中提到:“The Shenzhou-18 crew has set a new record for the longest single spacewalk by Chinese astronauts.”,即神舟十八号乘组创造了中国航天员单次太空行走时间最长的新纪录,A项为正确答案。

3.3. What will the three members do in their mission according to the passage?

A Planting some fruits.

B Giving lessons to students.

C Receiving education.

D Doing many necessary tests.

解析:选D。细节理解D。新闻中提到:“First of all, the three members will do a series of space science experiments and many necessary tests.”,即首先,三名成员将进行一系列空间科学实验和许多必要的测试。

4.4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the last 3 paragraphs?

A The Shenzhou-17 crew has completed 4 spacewalks in all.

B China has made great achievements in Space Technology so far.

C Zhai Zhigang made history by taking a spacewalk for 190 minutes.

D The Shenzhou-15 crew completed the repair work for the first time.
