
    Polmard, a small farm in Saint Mihiel, France, produces the world’s most special meat using a process called hibernation. It allows the meat to be stored and cured (加工贮藏) for up to 15 years with no loss of quality.

    Alexandre Polmard is a sixth-generation farmer, and butcher in a family that has been producing beef cuts since 1846. How did their meat become increasingly well-known? The business rose to prominence in the 1990s, after Alexandre’s grandfather and father invented a new meat treatment they called “hibernation”. Cold air is blown at speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour over the meat in a -43℃ environment at the farm’s state-of-the-art laboratory in Saint Mihiel and this allows the meat to be cured for over a decade, with no loss of quality. If anything, the longer the curing time, the higher the quality, and the price, with one kilogram of 15-year-old hibernated rib steak selling for an eye-watering $3,200.

    To create the world’s most special meat, Polmard begins with Blonde d’Aquitaine cattle which are raised free-range on the Polmard family’s farm to reduce stress. Then comes the hibernation process which allows the meat to mature (发酵成熟) over much longer periods than usual. Dry-aged beef is typically matured for a few weeks, while the Polmard hibernation makes it possible to mature it for 15 years, maybe even indefinitely.

    Polmard’s hibernated meat is the stuff of legends among restaurant owners, few of which can actually say they serve the world’s most special steaks in their restaurants. Apparently, customers have to put their names down months in advance to reserve Polmard beef cuts, but Alexandre only entrusts his hibernated meat to a handful of trusted restaurants around the world. He even pays them a visit beforehand to make sure they understand the subtleties of hibernated meat.

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1.What is unique about the process used by Polmard?

A The meat matures over much shorter periods than usual.

B The meat is aged in a natural environment without any artificial intervention.

C The meat can be stored and cured for up to 15 years without losing quality.

D The meat is sold at a very low price compared to other high-quality meats.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句的“It allows the meat to be stored and cured for up to 15 years with no loss of quality.”可知,它允许肉类储存和腌制长达15年,而不会损害肉的品质。故选C。

2.What does the underlined phrase “rose to prominence” probably mean?

A Settled for nothing.

B Faced with difficulties.

C Fooled the world.

D Received widespread attention.

解析:选D。D词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的问句“How did their meat become increasingly well-known?”这家公司是如何声名鹊起的呢?划线部分所在句对该问句进行了回答:在他的祖父和父亲发明了一种新的肉类加工处理方法后,这家公司在20世纪90年代一鸣惊人,即引起了人们的关注。故选D。

3.How does the hibernation process differ from traditional dry-aging methods?

A It uses higher temperatures to accelerate the aging process.

B It allows the meat to be aged for significantly longer periods.

C It uses special spices and herbs during the aging process.

D It reduces the overall quality of the meat but increases its shelf life.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句的“Dry-aged beef is typically matured for a few weeks, while the Polmard hibernation makes it possible to mature it for 15 years, maybe even indefinitely.”可知,经过Polmard特殊处理后的肉有可能需要15年的时间才能发酵成熟,甚至可能无限期(更久)。故选B。

4.What can we know about Polmard when serving his meat to restaurants?

A He restricts the sales to a few selected restaurants.

B He requires customers to place orders at least a month in advance.

C He personally trains restaurant staff on how to prepare his meat.

D He visits every restaurant to teach them how to cook his meat.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句中的“but Alexandre only entrusts his hibernated meat to a handful of trusted restaurants around the world”可知,他在供应他的牛肉的餐厅的选择上,要求非常严格。在全球范围内,只有屈指可数的几家餐厅能够从Alexandre手中买到这种牛肉。在选择供应餐厅前,Alexandre甚至会亲自到饭店拜访,以确保餐厅主厨确实理解了这种肉的微妙之处。故选A。