
When I decided to buy a house in Europe ten years ago, I didn’t think too long. I liked traveling in France, but when it came to picking my favorite spot to    1   , Italy was the clear winner.

During my first visit to Italy, I    2    to ask for directions or order in a restaurant. But every time I tried to    3    a sentence of Italian together, the locals smiled at me and    4    my language skills. That encouragement helped me to get through the language    5   . After I made Italy my permanent home, I discovered how    6    Italians are. Neighbors will bring me freshly made cheese and will come to my door to    7    me to close the window in my car when rain is coming. It’s these small    8    of kindness that make a new country feel like home.

As a foodie, the way to my heart is through my stomach, and nowhere fuels my    9    quite like Italy. Each town has its own traditional    10   , and every family keeps a recipe passed from one generation to another. Families    11    for big meals on Sundays, birthdays, and whatever other excuses they can    12   . These meals are always    13    by laughter and joy. Whatever    14    life in Italy might have, the problems are    15    once you sit down to a big meal with friends and family.


A study

B rent

C visit

D settle

解析:选D。D。根据上文的decided to buy a house in Europe以及空格前的but可知前后为转折关系,虽然作者喜欢在法国旅行,但是最喜欢在意大利定居。D. settle定居,符合语境。故选D。


A planned

B struggled

C refused

D happened

解析:选B。B。根据上文During my first visit to Italy可知,作者第一次去意大利,空格后 ask for directions or order in a restaurant问路或在餐馆点餐,可推知语言不通,所以在问路和在餐厅点餐时会遇到困难,B. struggle to do sth艰难地做某事,符合语境。故选B。


A string

B hang

C mix

D match

解析:选A。A。根据上文可知,作者第一次去意大利时,语言表达有障碍,所以每次都是用意大利语拼凑句子,A. string n线 v把…串起来,string a sentence together把几个词或短语连成一句话,符合语境。故选A。


A improved

B assessed

C admired

D praised

解析:选D。 D。结合上文的the locals smiled at me当地人对我微笑和下文的That encouragement helped me to... 这种鼓励帮助了我...,可知,当地人对作者的语言技能表示了赞扬。D. praise称赞,符合语境。故选D。


A course

B barrier

C area

D test

解析:选B。B。根据上文可知,意大利当地人对作者拼凑的意大利语表示了友好和鼓励,此处应是帮助作者克服了语言障碍。B. barrier n障碍,符合语境。故选B。


A open-minded

B strong-willed

C warm-hearted

D well-informed

解析:选C。C。根据下文的Neighbors will bring me freshly made cheese邻居们会给我带来新鲜的奶酪,可知,这里的人们非常热情。C. warm-hearted adj 热心的。符合语境。故选C。


A remind

B allow

C persuade

D order

解析:选A。A。根据上下文可知,作者的邻居们非常热心,由此可推知,他们会在要下雨的时候提醒作者关好车窗。A. remind v 提醒,符合语境。故选A。


A tricks

B promises

C acts

D duties

解析:选C。C。根据上文,提到作者发现意大利人很热心,以及下文的make a new country feel like home让一个新国家有家的感觉,可知,邻居们的这些善举让作者在异乡体会到了家的感觉。acts of kindness善举。故选C。


A ambition

B success

C appetite

D growth

解析:选C。C。根据上文的As a foodie, the way to my heart is through my stomach ... 作为一个吃货,要抓住我的心就得先抓住我的胃。空格句的含义应该为没有什么地方比意大利更能激发我的食欲了。C. appetite食欲,胃口,符合语境。故选C。


A costume

B dish

C symbol

D tale

解析:选B。B。根据下文every family keeps a recipe passed from one generation to another.每个家庭都有代代相传的食谱。由此可知,该空所在句含义应该为每个城镇都有自己的传统菜肴。B. dish菜肴,符合语境。故选B。


A gather

B cheer

C leave

D wait

解析:选A。A。根据下文的 ...big meals on Sundays, birthdays, 以及These meals ... by laughter and joy和a big meal with friends and family可知,意大利家庭喜欢在各种节日聚餐,A. gather聚集,符合语境。故选A。


A put up with

B stand up for

C come up with

D make up for

解析:选C。C。根据上下文可知,意大利家庭热爱家庭聚餐,不论是周日、家人的生日,或者任何他们能想到的其他理由。C. come up with想到,想出,符合语境。故选C。


A signaled

B confirmed

C represented

D accompanied

解析:选D。D。根据上下文可推知,本句意为他们的聚餐总伴随着欢声笑语。be accompanied by由...伴随着,符合语境。故选D。


A disadvantages

B meanings

C surprises

D opportunities

解析:选A。A。根据下文的the problems可知,该空指的应该是生活在意大利的缺点或困难A. disadvantages 缺点。符合语境。故选A。


A created

B forgotten

C understood

D identified

解析:选B。B。本段主要描述的作者对意大利饮食文化的热爱,由此可推知,本句的含义为:一旦和朋友家人坐下享受一顿美餐,很多问题都被忘得一干二净。B. forgotten忘记,符合语境。故选B。