善良女士生命有限 却将善意留存人间
善良女士生命有限 却将善意留存人间

    Casey McIntyre, who recently died of cancer at age 38, worked as a publisher in New York City. In 2019, doctors told her that she had a serious kind of cancer that’s usually found in women much older than her. Though doctors treated her for the cancer, Ms. McIntyre’s health got worse. But she realized that in a way, she was luckier than some other people. She had insurance to help pay for her medical care. “Casey had no medical debt,” said her husband, Andrew Rose Gregory.

    But Ms. McIntyre and her husband knew that many people with cancer face tough decisions because of the costs of medical care. Many people wind up owing far more than they can pay. Ms. McIntyre worried about others who weren’t as lucky as she had been. Soon, Ms. McIntyre and her husband began donating money to a group called RIP Medical Debt.

    The group works to pay off the unpaid medical debts of others. Usually, the group can pay off medical bills for about 100 times less money than they actually cost. In other words, for every     ▲     donated, the group can pay off     ▲     in unpaid medical bills.

    In late June, doctors told Ms. McIntyre that she probably had about a month to live. Though her health was failing, Ms. McIntyre lived for about six months. She had many difficult days, but she also spent some wonderful days with her family. In that time, Ms. McIntyre also thought about what she wanted to happen after she died. She decided to make an effort to pay off the medical debts of as many people as she possibly could. On November 12, Ms. McIntyre passed away. Mr. Gregory posted a message for Ms. McIntyre on her social mediaaccounts. “If you’re reading this, I have passed away,” the post began. Then the post explained, “To celebrate my life, I’ve arranged to buy up others’ medical debt and then destroy the debt.”

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1.Why was Ms. McIntyre luckier than other people?

A She earned more money as a publisher.

B She got better treatment for cancer.

C She didn’t have to buy health insurance.

D She had insurance to help cover her medical care.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句“She had insurance to help pay for her medical care. ‘Casey had no medical debt,’ said her husband, Andrew Rose Gregory.”可知,麦金太尔女士有保险金可以支付她的治疗费用,她没有欠下任何医疗债务。故选D。

2.What can we learn about the couple from Para. 2?

A They were innocent.

B They were selfish.

C They were sympathetic.

D They were determined.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“But Ms. McIntyre and her husband knew that many people with cancer face tough decisions because of the costs of medical care.”但麦金太尔女士和她的丈夫知道,由于医疗费用,许多癌症患者面临着艰难的决定。“Ms. McIntyre worried about others who weren’t as lucky as she had been.”麦金太尔担心那些没有她那么幸运的人。“Soon, Ms. McIntyre and her husband began donating money to a group called RIP Medical Debt.”很快,麦金太尔女士和她的丈夫开始向一个名为RIP医疗债务的组织捐款,以此来帮助那些人。由此可见,这对夫妇非常富有同情心。故选C。

3.What numbers can be put in the two blanks “ ▲ ” in Para. 3?

A $10 ; $1,00

B $100; $10,000

C $10,000; $100

D $1,000 ; $10,000

解析:选B。B 数字计算题。根据题空所在句的前一句“Usually, the group can pay off medical bills for about 100 times less money than they actually cost.”通常,这个群体可以用比实际花费少100倍的钱来支付医疗账单。换句话说,每捐赠100美元,该组织就可以支付1万美元的未付医疗费用。故选B。

4.What will be talked about in the following paragraphs?

A What the couple had done to raise money.

B Why Ms. McIntyre posted the message.

C How Mr. Gregory celebrated Ms. McIntyre’s life.

D What happened to Ms. McIntyre’s family.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“She decided to make an effort to pay off the medical debts of as many people as she possibly could.”她决定尽自己最大的努力为尽可能多的人偿还医疗债务。以及“To celebrate my life, I’ve arranged to buy up others’ medical debt and then destroy the debt.”为了庆祝我的生命,我已经安排买下别人的医疗债务,然后销毁债务。结合选项可知,接下来最有可能会描述麦金太尔女士和她的丈夫是如何为这些医疗债务筹集资金的。故选A。