
What is an ice hotel? It is a hotel made of snow and ice. The walls, the furniture and the artworks are all made of ice. Builders in some cold places wait until winter to build ice hotels. They select a place near a frozen river, so they can cut ice blocks (冰块) for walls. They mix snow and ice to hold everything together and keep the blocks from coming apart. Builders finish building the outside walls first. Then they work on the inside. They cave (雕刻) furniture and works of art from blocks of ice. All this work takes time. A large ice hotel usually takes several weeks to build.

People are told to bring warm clothes because the temperature inside the hotel stays below 0℃. At night, people sleep in thick sleeping bags provided by the hotel. During the day, they sit on ice chairs. They even drink from ice glasses.

An ice hotel only stands while it is cold. Once spring comes, the hotel melts. The water returns to the river. Then builders must wait until next winter to build another ice hotel.

1.“Ice hotel ” is so called most probably because ________.

A it is built in a cold place

B it is made of ice and snow

C it is near a frozen river

D it is famous for ice art

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段第一和第二句可知,Ice hotel得名是因为它是由冰雪建造的。故选B。

2.In the process of building an ice hotel, snow is used ________.

A to produce ice furniture

B to keep temperature low in the hotel

C to make ice blocks

D to mix with ice to hold things together

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段第六句They mix snow and ice to hold everything together and keep the blocks from coming apart.可知,他们把雪和冰混在一起,把所有东西都粘起来,防止冰块破裂。故选D。

3.What do we know about building a large ice hotel?

A It starts in spring.

B It needs a lot of artists.

C It begins with the inside.

D It takes several weeks.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,建造大的冰雪旅馆耗时几个星期。故选D。

4.What should people bring to stay in an ice hotel?

A Sleeping bags.

B Ice chairs.

C Warm clothes.

D Ice glasses.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,入住冰雪旅馆需要带暖和的衣服。故选C。

5.According to the passage, what could be the longest time for an ice hotel to stand?

A One night.

B Several day.

C A winter.

D A year.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段可知,冰雪旅馆只有在天气冷的时候才能维持,春天一到它就融化了,推断最长可维持一个冬天。故选C。