
Niu Niu, a six-year-old girl, has become a good helper in a silent foot spa (足疗馆). The owner of the foot spa and all of the workers can’t hear. And the girl helps them to communicate with the customers.

Niu Niu is the daughter of the foot spa owner Hu Yong, who lost his hearing because of a high fever in his childhood. This made it difficult for him to get a job. After finishing training in a foot spa, Hu started his own business in Chengdu in 2019. Peng Feng, the mother, who is also deaf, works together with her husband at the shop.

Though their shop is small, it is popular with customers because of the couple’s good skills. The foot spa is usually busy in the evening, when Niu Niu comes home from school and helps her parents. Niu Niu helps her parents in her sweet child voice and with rich body language. She is very funny and always makes customers laugh happily.

“She is always cheerful, active and outgoing,” said one of the customers.

“Dad taught me to work hard,” Niu Niu said. In her opinion, her parents are like superheroes who look after the family and her. “My parents are different from other people, but they are the best for me,” she added. 

1.What is wrong with Niu Niu’s parents?

A They can’t see.

B They can’t hear.

C They can’t walk.


解析:选B。细节理解题。根据“The owner of the foot spa and all of the workers can’t hear. ”、“ Niu Niu is the daughter of the foot spa owner Hu Yong, who lost his hearing because of a high fever in his childhood. ”和“ Peng Feng, the mother, who is also deaf, works together with her husband at the shop.”可知,足疗店的老板是妞妞的爸爸,爸爸和妈妈都听不到。故选B。

2.How does Niu Niu help her parents?

A She helps communicate with the customers.

B She helps tell jokes to the customers.

C She helps look after the customers.


解析:选A。细节理解题。根据“And the girl helps them to communicate with the customers.”可知,Niu Niu帮助跟顾客沟通。故选A。

3.When did Niu Niu’s parents start the foot spa?

A Three years ago.

B Four years ago.

C Five years ago.


解析:选C。细节理解题。根据“After finishing training in a foot spa, Hu started his own business in Chengdu in 2019.”可知,妞妞爸爸是在2019年开的足疗店,也就是五年前。故选C。

4.Why is their foot spa popular?

A Because Niu Niu’s parents have good skills.

B Because Niu Niu is good at telling jokes.

C Because Niu Niu’s parents are deaf.


解析:选A。细节理解题。根据“Though their shop is small, it is popular with customers because of the couple’s good skills.”可知,足疗店很火,是因为夫妻的技术很好。故选A。

5.What do you think of Niu Niu? ① She is hardworking and shy. ② She is outgoing and helpful. ③ She is cheerful and understanding.

A ①②

B ①③

C ②③


解析:选C。细节理解题。根据“She is always cheerful, active and outgoing,”可知,顾客评价妞妞快乐、积极、外向的,妞妞帮助父母开店,②③符合。故选C。