
China is famous for its impressive infrastructure (基础设施), from suspended “river highways” to surprising overpasses.

For the past couple of years, videos of heavy construction vehicles crossing a narrow bridge suspended about 300 meters above the Dadong River Gorge in Chongqing have constantly been popular on social media, leaving people wondering about its safety. Although it spans 240 meters, this suspension bridge (吊桥) has no towers or base for support, relying only on four steel cables to support vehicles up to 45 tonnes in weight. It’s only wide enough for one vehicle to cross, and despite featuring safety nets on each side, one wrong move can spell disaster. It’s tricky enough to drive the vehicle in normal conditions, but imagine having to do so on a particularly windy day.

Luckily, the Dadong River Gorge suspension bridge in Chongqing’s Wulong District is a temporary project designed to facilitate the construction of an even more impressive piece of infrastructure, Shuangbao Bridge. When completed, it will be the world’s largest double-arch bridge, stretching over both the Dadonghe and Xiaohegou Rivers. But in order to build this structure, workers needed a way to reach the small mountain that would end up supporting its center arch abutments (拱桥台). And that’s when they came up with the idea of a temporary suspension bridge.

Stretching 240 meters across the west side of a massive gorge, the so-called “world’s scariest suspension bridge” is 12 meters wide, but only has a track wide enough for one vehicle to pass at a time. Technically, that is not a problem, as it is only used by trucks and construction machinery working on Shuangbao Bridge, but that doesn’t mean crossing it is easy.

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1.What do people think of the suspension bridge?

A It’s popular.

B It’s unsafe.

C It’s wide.

D It’s common.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“leaving people wondering about its safety”人们怀疑它的安全性以及“one wrong move can spell disaster”一个错误的举动可能招致灾难,可知人们认为这座吊桥不安全。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “tricky” mean?

A Crazy.

B Helpless.

C Difficult.

D Funny.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。根据划线部分前面的“leaving people wondering about its safety”“has no towers or base for support, relying only on four steel cables to support vehicles up to 45 tonnes in weight”和“It’s only wide enough for one vehicle to cross, and despite featuring safety nets on each side, one wrong move can spell disaster.”可知,这座高达300余米的悬空铁索桥横跨于峡谷上方,让人们对它的安全性感到怀疑。这座铁索桥仅靠4组绳索提供水平拉力,竟然能承受起40多吨的货车通行。它的宽度只够一辆车穿过,尽管两边都有安全网,但一个错误的举动可能招致灾难。因此可推测车子在正常情况下行驶已经够难的了,更别说在有风的日子了。故选C。

3.What is the main purpose of the Dadong River Gorge suspension bridge?

A To test the bravery of drivers.

B To assist the building of a new bridge.

C To become a permanent tourist attraction.

D To set a world record for narrow bridges.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Luckily, the Dadong River Gorge suspension bridge in Chongqing’s Wulong District is a temporary project designed to facilitate the construction of an even more impressive piece of infrastructure, Shuangbao Bridge.”和后文的“But in order to build this structure, workers needed a way to reach the small mountain that would end up supporting its center arch abutments”可知,这座暂时的吊桥是为了协助建筑工人建设一座新的桥,双堡特大桥。故选B。

4.What can be inferred about the Shuangbao Bridge?

A It will be the longest double-arch bridge in the world.

B It requires a permanent suspension bridge for access.

C It is easier to build it than other bridges because of its location.

D The temporary suspension bridge was essential for its construction.
