
The China International Search and Rescue Team (CISAR) was formed in 2001. It ____1____ help and hope to those whose lives are changed by a storm, an earthquake, or any other natural disaster (灾难).

After long and ____2____ training, the Chinese team went on its first international rescue (救援) tasks in 2003. That year, the team helped save lives after earthquakes in Algeria and Iran. It was the first time that the CISAR had worked outside China, and the team ____3____ high praise for their bravery and skill. Since then, the CISAR has completed lots of rescue ____4____ they braved terrible conditions to rescue people in Indonesia, Haiti and Pakistan.

Rescue workers are trained to find people, treat injuries (伤痛), and ____5____ food, water, and other things. They have to be able to do difficult work when it is very ____6____. For example, there is usually no electricity or water after a disaster, and there may be illnesses and accidents. Rescue workers get to save lives, but they must also deal with the dead. That means they have to be ____7____ in both body and mind. Rescue workers must have big ____8____, too. It takes lots of love and courage to risk (冒险) their own lives to ____9____ someone else’s. The members of the CISAR are always ready to go wherever help is needed.

Rescue workers leave their homes and families for a job that offers little pay and less sleep. We can’t imagine how much they have sacrificed (牺牲) selflessly. We don’t even know most of their names. They are really ____10____ heroes!


A closes

B sells

C brings


解析:选C。句意:它给那些生活因风暴、地震或其他自然灾害而改变的人们带来了帮助和希望。 closes接近;sells卖;brings带来。根据“It...help and hope to those whose lives are changed by a storm, an earthquake, or any other natural disaster (灾难).”可知,中国国际搜救队给人们带来了帮助和希望,故选C。


A careful

B poor

C useless


解析:选A。句意:经过长期周密的训练,中国救援队于2003年首次执行国际救援任务。 careful周密的;poor贫穷的;useless无用的。根据“After long and...training, the Chinese team went on its first international rescue (救援) tasks in 2003.”可知,中国救援队要有长期周密的训练,故选A。


A gave

B won

C missed


解析:选B。句意:这是CISAR第一次在中国以外的地方工作,他们的勇敢和技巧赢得了高度赞扬。 gave给;won赢得;missed思念。根据“and the team...high praise for their bravery and skill”可知,他们的勇敢和技巧赢得了高度赞扬。故选B。


A tasks

B mistakes

C excuses


解析:选A。句意:从那时起,搜救队完成了许多救援任务,他们不顾恶劣的条件在印度尼西亚、海地和巴基斯坦进行了救援。 tasks任务;mistakes错误;excuses借口。根据“the CISAR has completed lots of rescue...— they braved terrible conditions to rescue people in Indonesia, Haiti and Pakistan.”可知,搜救队完成了许多救援任务,故选A。


A give up

B hand out

C cut down


解析:选B。句意:救援人员接受过搜救、治疗伤员、分发食物、水和其他物品的训练。 give up放弃;hand out分发;cut down砍倒。根据“Rescue workers are trained to find people, treat injuries (伤痛), and...food, water, and other things.”可知,救援人员接受过分发食物、水和其他物品的训练,故选B。


A comfortable

B safe

C dangerous


解析:选C。句意:他们必须能够在非常危险的情况下从事艰苦的工作。 comfortable舒服的;safe安全的;dangerous危险的。根据“They have to be able to do difficult work when it is very...”可知,他们的工作情况非常危险,故选C。


A weak

B strong

C slow


解析:选B。句意:这意味着他们必须在身体和精神上都很强大。 weak虚弱的;strong强大的;slow缓慢的。根据“That means they have to be...in both body and mind.”可知,他们必须在身体和精神上都很强大。故选B。


A hearts

B mouths

C eyes


解析:选A。句意:救援人员也必须有宽广的胸怀。 hearts心;mouths嘴;eyes眼睛。根据“Rescue workers must have big..., too.”可知,救援人员也必须有宽广的胸怀。故选A。


A waste

B enjoy

C save


解析:选C。句意:冒着生命危险去救别人需要很多的爱和勇气。 waste浪费;enjoy欣赏;save救。根据“It takes lots of love and courage to risk (冒险) their own lives to...someone else’s.”可知,他们冒着生命危险去救别人,故选C。


A unskilled

B unsung

C untrained


解析:选B。句意:他们真是无名英雄! unskilled不熟练的;unsung未被赞颂的;untrained未经训练的。根据“We don’t even know most of their names. They are really...heroes!”可知,他们是无名英雄,故选B。