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彩绘岩石传递善意 爱之善举引爆网络

In Brevard County, a wonderful movement is taking place, bringing joy and connection to thousands of people through the simple act of painting rocks.

What started as a small gesture of kindness between two women has blossomed into an online community with over 40,000 members. Jen Justiniano began painting rocks as a way to cope with anxiety following a hurricane, posting photos of her creations on Facebook. At the same time, her friend Carrie Cerve was sharing positive messages on the platform, encouraging others to spread kindness. When Cerve came across Justiniano’s rock posts, she was inspired. “I just felt like today was the day to throw out some kindness, throw out some reminders that you, as one person, can make a difference,” Cerve said.
That spark led the two women to create a private Facebook group called Brevard Rocks FL. What they thought would be a small circle of friends quickly turned into a sensation. Within weeks, the group grew to 1,000 members, and today, it boasts an incredible 41,500 members, with more joining every day.
The concept is simple yet powerful: members paint rocks with uplifting messages like “Be kind,” “Spread kindness,” and “Love,” then hide them around the community. Those who find the rocks often feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude, leading them to join the group and share their stories.
One of those touched by the movement is Coleen Carlson of Viera. During a particularly difficult time in her life, Carlson discovered a pink-painted rock with the word “Warrior” on it outside a shop. The message resonated (引起共鸣) deeply with her. “I burst into tears and knew the rock was meant just for me,” she said. “I kept the rock for several years, until I had a friend going through a rough time too. I gave her the rock, and she cried with me. She moved away, and I have no idea if she kept it or passed it on, but whoever painted it has no idea how special it was.”
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1.Why did Justiniano start painting rocks?

A To bring joy to people.

B To encourage kindness.

C To deal with worry.

D To make a difference.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Jen Justiniano began painting rocks as a way to cope with anxiety following a hurricane”珍·贾斯蒂尼亚诺开始画石头,以此来应对飓风过后的焦虑。故选C。

2.What does the underlined word “sensation”in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A Hit.

B Challenge.

C Attack.

D Link.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据划线单词前文的“What they thought would be a small circle of friends”他们以为会是一个小小的朋友圈内的行动;以及后文中的“Within weeks, the group grew to 1,000 members, and today, it boasts an incredible 41,500 members, with more joining every day”在几周内,该组织的成员增长到1000人,今天,它拥有令人难以置信的41500名成员,每天都有更多的人加入。可知,该行动发展迅速,成了一个引起轰动的事件。故选A。

3.What’s the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A The content of the movement.

B The influences of the messages.

C Achievements of the community.

D Rules for participants of the movement.

解析:选A。A 段落大意题。根据第四段中的“members paint rocks...then hide them around the community”“Those who find the rocks”等可知,该段主要讲的是该活动的内容。故选A。

4.What happened to Coleen Carlson?

A She painted a pink rock.

B She was encouraged by the action.

C She encouraged her friend with a picture.

D She passed on love to her community.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句可知,科琳·卡尔森受到这场运动的影响,在她生命特别困难的时期,她发现了一块粉色石头,上面写着“勇士”,这激励了她度过艰难的时刻。故选B。