
    Connor Halsa is a 15-year-old boy. One day, he caught a wallet while fishing with his family on Lake of the Woods. Connor opened the wallet and found there was some money in it. He showed everyone the wallet. Then they took out the money and put it all on the ground to make it dry.

    There was a total of $2,000 inside the wallet. “My dad said we should give the wallet back to the owner. We did it. We found a business card in the wallet and called the number. At last, we got in touch with the owner, who was a farmer named Jim Denney,” Connor said.

    A month ago, Jim Denney was fishing in the same lake. His wallet slipped (滑落) out of his pocket and fell into the water. He didn’t even realize it was missing until he had to pay for the boat trip. But he gave up looking for the wallet because the lake was so huge that it was nearly impossible to find the wallet.

    Jim Denney made the trip to meet Connor and his family. “To thank them, I tried to give them some money, but they refused,” he said.

1.What was Connor doing when he found the wallet?

A Enjoying the boat trip.

B Fishing with his family.

C Playing on the ground.

D Camping by the huge lake.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据“One day, he caught a wallet while fishing with his family on Lake of the Woods.”可知,Connor在和家人钓鱼时发现的钱包。故选B。

2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指代) in Paragraph 2?

A Calling the owner.

B Showing the wallet to everyone.

C Returning the wallet to the owner.

D Counting all the money in the wallet.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据“My dad said we should give the wallet back to the owner. We did it.”可知,Connor的爸爸说应该把钱包还给失主,故划线部分it指的是:归还钱包给其主人。故选C。

3.How did Connor and his family find the owner of the wallet?

A With the help of a farmer.

B With the help of the police.

C With the help of the Internet.

D With the help of a business card.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据“We found a business card in the wallet and called the number. At last, we got in touch with the owner”可知,他们是通过钱包里的名片找到了钱包的主人。故选D。

4.What can we learn about Jim Denney in Paragraph 3?

A He slipped and fell into the lake.

B He went to the lake two months ago.

C He didn’t know when his wallet was missing.

D He tried his best to look for the wallet in the lake.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据“He didn’t even realize it was missing until he had to pay for the boat trip.”可知,Jim Denney并不知道他的钱包什么时候丢的。故选C。

5.Which is the best title of the passage?

A The Story of a Wallet

B The Story of a Boat

C The Story of a Fisherman

D The Story of a Farmer

解析:选A。A主旨大意题。本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了15岁的男孩Connor Halsa和家人钓鱼时捡到了一个钱包。他们打开钱包,发现里面有2000美元。他们找到了钱包的主人,一个名叫Jim Denney的农民,并归还了钱包。所以答案选A