看国潮大剧《花重锦官城》 赏成都前世今生
看国潮大剧《花重锦官城》 赏成都前世今生

Flowers Bloom in Brocade City

Come to be Chengduer
It is an official-recommended stage drama in Chengdu, a fine example of Sichuan Province’s cultural tourism and performing arts. 
Brief Introduction
Three talented young men from different places, “Liu, Guan, Zhang,” come to Brocade City - Chengdu, in search of their favorite online personality, “the Hibiscus (芙蓉花)”. Guided by the humorous and witty Dr.Panda, they start a journey through fantastical checkpoints like Chengdu’s snacks, Sichuanese mahjong, poetry, ancient water management technology, and the Southern Silk Road. The adventure travels through time, blending tradition with fashion, history with the future, and excitement with comfort. Reality seems like a fantasy, and accidents turn into stories.
Will “Liu, Guan, and Zhang” withstand the test and succeed in their adventures? How will they find the mysteriously disappeared “Hibiscus”? Follow the footsteps of these three young men as they experience a cultural baptism (洗礼) filled with the collision of new technology and Chinese history, a blend of wonder and surprise. Unlock the cipher (密码) of Chengdu!
Chapter One
(Relaxed Chengdu): Featuring the lovely Dr. Panda guiding through leisurely teahouse culture, street food scene, and unique customs like ear cleaning.
Chapter Two
(Civilized Chengdu): Showcasing Chengdu’s rich cultural heritage including education, water management, and intangible cultural heritages, all uniquely presented.
Chapter Three 
(Inclusive Chengdu): Stage transformation high-lighting Sun Bird and Lotus Fairy, showcasing the city’s blend of history and modernity.
Chapter Four 
(Progressive Chengdu): Featuring high-tech lighting, sound, impressive performances, and show-casing Chengdu’s modernity and international flair (国际风情).
It’s a must-see trendy show in Chengdu, a tribute to the millenniums elegance of the heavenly city. During the 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu, the city promoted “Flowers Bloom in Brocade City” as a beautiful business card to global guests. It’s a beautiful city business card for global promotion.
Five Reasons that you must come
Full image of Chengdu, demonstrate its past and present.
Knowing Chengdu in 80 minutes.
270-degree high-tech double-lift circular stage.
Ultra-advanced audio-visual effects, make a world of spatial and temporal (时空) fantasy.
Humorous Panda and handsome guides leading an adventure.
Click here to book your tickets!
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1.Which word can replace the underlined word “withstand”?

A Ignore.

B Survive.

C Create.

D Change.

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据划线单词后文的“and succeed in their adventures”可知,该句句意为:“刘关张”能否经受考验,闯关成功?故选B。

2.Which Chapter is focused on culture?

A Chapter One.

B Chapter Two.

C Chapter Three.

D Chapter Four.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据Chapter Two的“Civilized Chengdu”“rich cultural heritage”“intangible cultural heritages”可知,第二章着重文明成都,是关于文化的。故选B。

3.What can’t we know about the show from the material?

A Its significance.

B Its history.

C Its duration.

D Its content.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二、三部分可知,文章提及了《花重锦官城》的重要性、持续时长、内容、舞台等,并未提及该剧的历史。故选B。

4.The author’s purpose in writing the text is most likely to _________.

A persuade

B describe

C entertain

D advertise

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据全文内容及“Click here to book your tickets!”可知,本文是一篇广告,故目的是打广告。故选D。