
    The  Games of the XXXIII Olympiad descend on the City of Light, Paris. While more than 10,000 athletes will be burning competition levels of calories, millions of other visitors will be piling them on, everywhere from humble bakeries to Michelin-starred restaurants. Next I will tell you where to eat in Paris during the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

Le Tout-Paris

    Le Tout-Paris is a one-Michelin-star spot with killer views over the city and a menu to justify the trip to France. The restaurant’s terrace (露天平台), seven floors above the Seine and the 16th century Pont Neuf, affords views over Île de la Cité, a nearly, but not yet reopened Notre Dame, and the thin spire of its underrated neighbour, Sainte-Chapelle.

Chez Paul

    Although not quite that old, Chez Paul has been in business, without much having changed, since 1900. Menu mainstays in this busy dining room include eggs mayonnaise and countryside terrine with Basque peppers followed by classics such as veal head and brain in sauce gribiche, or lamb shoulder cooked for eight hours, accompanied by some of the best fried potatoes you’ll ever eat.


    Benoit is a local landmark (地标), although a relative newcomer, having only opened in 1912. Back then, a butcher by the name of Benoit Matray, who worked at nearby Les Halles – a huge food market and yes, the name adopted by the New York eatery helmed by the late Anthony Bourdain – opened the restaurant. Benoit stayed in the family for generations, until Alain Ducasse – whose restaurants hold an astonishing 21 Michelin stars among them – bought it in 2005. Ducasse has not only sustained Benoit ever since, but also opened namesake (同名物) restaurants in Tokyo and New York.


    Marsan is a two-Michelin-star restaurant by chef Hélène Darroze. Darroze’s cuisine understandably reflects her home terroir, meaning duck and foie gras loom large, but her desserts are often singled out by diners as the real highlight. With creations such as a smoked chocolate hazelnut cream with chocolate sorbet and vanilla hazelnut praline, we can see why. 

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What does the underlined word “them” refer to?

A Restaurants.

B Calories.

C Athletes.

D Competitions.

解析:选B。B词意指代题。根据划线部分前面的“While more than 10,000 athletes will be burning competition levels of calories”可知,当超过一万名运动员将燃烧比赛级别的卡路里时,数百万其他游客也将在其他地方燃烧卡路里,从简陋的面包店到米其林星级餐厅。因此them指代calories。故选B。

2.Which restaurant offers a view of the whole Paris?

A Le Tout-Paris.

B Chez Paul.

C Benoit.

D Marsan.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Le Tout-Paris is a one-Michelin-star spot with killer views over the city and a menu to justify the trip to France.”可知,在Le Tout-Paris可以俯瞰整个城市的美色。故选A。

3.What is the right order about Benoit? ①Benoit Matray worked at Les Halles. ② Another Benoit was opened in Tokyo. ③Alain Ducasse bought Benoit from Benoit.

A ①②③.

B ①③②.

C ②③①.

D ③②①.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,1912年,一位名叫Benoit Matray的屠夫在Les Halles工作;Alain Ducasse在2005年买下了Benoit;Ducasse不仅维持了Benoit的发展,还在东京和纽约开设了同名的小酒馆。故选B。

4.The text is especially helpful for those who care about _____________________.

A French landmarks

B healthy diets

C Olympic Games

D food in Paris

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了参观巴黎奥运会期间可以去的餐厅,故美食爱好者会感兴趣。故选D。