
Most power in the United States does not come from wind, but this may change. Wind is now the fastest growing source of power in the world. Why is wind power becoming popular?

To understand the answer, we need to know why people did not use wind power so much. It is true that the wind will always blow again, but it isn’t always easy to guess when and where it will blow next. People discovered ways to create power that were more reliable. Steam and fossil fuels (矿物燃料), such as coal and oil, are very effective sources of energy.

In the past forty years, we have found that burning fossil fuels is not a perfect way to create power. During the 1970s, there was not enough oil available for energy. People started to realize that wind power might be one way of creating more energy. Unlike oil, wind cannot run out. As long as the wind blows, it can supply us with energy. Wind power is also a clean energy. Burning oil and coal makes the air we breathe dirty, but wind does not need to be burned to create power. It is a power on its own. Wind power may not be as reliable as fossil fuels, but our ability to catch and use the wind has improved over time.

We have improved wind machines to catch the wind and turn it into electricity more easily. We have also been able to use more wind power by building more wind farm. They are large areas with many tall wind machines arranged next to each other. Sometimes these wind farms are called wind plants.

Wind farms work best in places that are very windy on land. Another good place to catch the wind is the ocean. The wind over water is often stronger than over land. Ocean winds are more reliable than land winds. The ocean has no buildings or trees to block the wind.

Wind farms are a very effective way to create electricity, but they have their problems. They take up a lot of space on land. Many people think the machines are ugly and too noisy. Wind plants in the ocean mean that less land is needed, but they have problems, too. Buildings must worry about storms and ice. People also worry that these wind plants make noise that might scare away (吓跑) birds, fish, and other water animals.

One solution to these problems might be to build flying wind plants high in the air. The winds high in the air are strong and reliable, but for now this is just an idea.

1.According to Paragraph 1, ________.

A the United States will not rely on oil

B the United States will not use wind power

C more and more countries are relying on oil

D more and more countries are using wind power

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句Wind is now the fastest growing source of power in the world.可知,风是全球增长最快的能量来源。故选D。

2.In the past, wind power was not in wide use because ________.

A it was not so reliable

B it was not so strong

C it cost a lot of money

D it cost a lot of manpower

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句It is true that the wind will always blow again, but it isn’t always easy to guess when and where it will blow next.可知,什么时候刮风、在哪里刮风很难确定,由此推断风力发电不可靠。故选A。

3.What made people turn their attention to wind power in the 1970s?

A Shortage of water.

B Shortage of oil.

C Lack of fresh water.

D Lack of clean energy.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句和第三句During the 1970s, there was not enough oil available for energy. People started to realize that wind power might be one way of creating more energy.可知,人们开始关注风力发电是因为石油短缺。故选B。

4.Which of the following is true?

A There is enough space for wind farms on land.

B There is little space for wind plants in the ocean.

C Wind farms on land make a lot of noise.

D Wind plants in the air have been built.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第三句Many people think the machines are ugly and too noisy.可知,陆地上的风力农场噪音太大。故选C。

5.Wind plants in the ocean might create a problem in ________.

A energy saving

B animal protection

C weather forecast

D pollution control

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句People also worry that these wind plants make noise that might scare away(吓跑) birds, fish, and other water animals.可知,海上风力发电厂制造的噪音可能会吓跑鸟、鱼等,由此推断这会造成动物保护方面的问题。故选B。