
When I was turning thirty years old, a friend asked me to share my biggest ____1____ in life. It only took me a(n) ____2____ to say I most regretted not completing college. I explained that I was considered to be ____3____ in school, got great grades, and had big dreams. ____4___ finishing university, I felt like I was not only letting myself down, but also everyone who believed in me.

My friend said, “Why not now?” But with a son in primary school, a busy job, and lots of other responsibilities at home, I had a million ____5____. The one I thought was the strongest: If I went back, I would be thirty-two ____6____ I graduated. What I heard was something I would never ____7____: “You’re going to be thirty-two anyway (无论如何). Looking back, I feel it’s the ____8____ and wisest advice I have ever received.
I would turn thirty-two with a college degree (学位) or without one anyway. So I ____9____ to continue my study.
I graduated from university ___10___ and felt proud of myself. And I have reviewed this ____11___ many times. I believe it’s never too late for me to do anything except becoming a teenager.
Do I really want to ____12____ my first book in my forties? I’m going to be forty anyway.
Do I really want to run a half marathon (马拉松) in my fifties? I’m going to be fifty anyway.
Do I really want to travel around the ___13____ in my sixties? I’m going to be sixty anyway.
I hope you never hear me say, “I’m too old for that.” ____14____, I hope you hear me say, “I’m going to be seventy anyway.”
It’s never too ____15___ to start something new, to do all those things that you’ve been wishing to do.


A regret

B happiness

C role

D success

解析:选A。选A. A选项遗憾,B选项高兴,C选项角色,D选项成功一位朋友让我分享人生最大的遗憾。


A week

B day

C hour

D minute

解析:选D。选D. 我只花了(n)分钟就说出了我最遗憾的事是没有读完大学 A选项星期,B选项天,C选项小时,D选项分钟。


A lovely

B polite

C smart

D friendly

解析:选C。选C. 我解释说,我在学校被认为是聪明的,成绩很好,A选项可爱的,B选项礼貌的,D选项友好的


A Giving up

B Making up

C Ending up

D Taking up

解析:选A。选A. 放弃完成大学学业,我觉得不仅辜负了自己,也辜负了所有相信我的人,A选项放弃,B选组成,化妆,C选项结束,D选项占用,开始从事


A ways

B reasons

C chances

D steps

解析:选B。选B. 为什么现在不呢?但我有一个正在上小学的儿子,还有一份繁忙的工作,家里还有很多其他的责任,我有无数个理由。A选项方法道路,C选项机会,D选项步骤。


A although

B because

C unless

D when

解析:选D。选D. 当我毕业的时候,我就32了。A选项尽管,B选项因为,C选项除非,D当...的时候。


A reply

B accept

C forget

D guess

解析:选C。选C. 我听到了一句令我终生难忘的话。A选项回复,B选项接受,C选项忘记,D选项猜测


A simplest

B funniest

C strangest

D coldest

解析:选A。选A. 回想起来,我觉得这是我收到的最简单、最明智的建议。A选项最简单的,B选项最有趣的,C选项最陌生的,D最冷的


A happened

B decided

C helped

D failed

解析:选D。选D. 无论如何,有了大学学位或没有学位,我都将年满三十二岁。所以我决定继续学习。A选项发生,B选项决定,C选项帮助,D选项失败


A smoothly

B patiently

C silently

D suddenly

解析:选C。选C. 我默默地从大学毕业,并为自己感到自豪。A选项平滑地,B选项耐心地,C选项沉默地,D选项突然地。


A activity

B promise

C plan

D suggestion

解析:选D。选D. 我曾多次回顾这个建议。A选项活动,B选项承诺,C选项计划,D选项建议。


A read

B write

C buy

D choose

解析:选B。选B. 我真的想在四十多岁时写我的第一本书吗?A选项阅读,B选项写作,C选项买,D选项选择。


A university

B city

C village

D world

解析:选D。选D. 我真的想在六十多岁时环游世界吗?A选项大学,B选项城市,C选项村庄,D选项世界。


A Finally

B Besides

C Instead

D Also

解析:选C。选C. 相反,我希望你们听到我说。A选项终于,B选项除此之外,C选项而不是,D选项也。


A dangerous

B poor

C late

D slow

解析:选C。选C. 开始尝试一件新的东西永远不晚。A选项危险的,B选项贫穷的,C选项迟到的,晚的,D选项慢的。