
John and James were best friends. They fought for many reasons, but never   1   their friendship. They went in search of a job and visited many places to make some   2  . They passed through many places, villages, towns, forests, and beaches.

One day, they reached a desert. They had a little food and water. John said that they should save the food and water for   3   use. However, James   4  . He wanted to drink water, as he was very thirsty. They fought with each other for water. John slapped (打…耳光) James. James wrote on the sand, “My best   5   slapped me!”

Finally, they reached an oasis. They were very happy, and had a lot of fun in the water. While they both were bathing, James was a bit   6   and began to drown (淹死). John ran to him and    7   him.

James hugged his friend and thanked him.   8   they were about to leave, James carved (雕刻) something on the rock. It was “My best friend saved my life!”

He said to John, “When you slapped me, I recorded it on   9  . The wind would have blown it away by now. However, when you saved my life, I recorded it on rock. It will remain (留在) there   10  .”

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A cut up

B gave up

C broke in

D cheered on

解析:选B。B 考查短语动词辨析。根据上文“John and James were best friends.”和but可推知,约翰和詹姆斯是最好的朋友。他们为许多原因而争吵,但从未放弃友谊。故选B。


A food

B water

C money

D laughter

解析:选C。C 考查名词辨析。根据上文“They went in search of a job”可知,他们一起去找工作,去了很多地方赚钱。故选C。


A later

B full

C international

D common

解析:选A。A 考查形容词辨析。根据前面的“they should save the food and water”可知,他们只有很少的食物和水,因此约翰说他们应该节约食物和水以备以后使用。故选A。


A thought

B disagreed

C questioned

D promised

解析:选B。B 考查动词辨析。根据前面的“they should save the food and water”和后面的“He wanted to drink water”可知,两个人意见不一,约翰说他们应该节约食物和水以备以后使用。然而,詹姆斯很渴,想喝水。他们为了水而争吵,因此詹姆斯不同意。故选B。


A teacher

B classmate

C friend

D family

解析:选C。C 考查名词辨析。根据上文“John and James were best friends.”可知,约翰和詹姆斯是最好的朋友。故选C。


A excited

B stupid

C careless

D awake

解析:选C。C 考查形容词辨析。根据后半句的“began to drown”可知,当他们都在洗澡时,詹姆斯有点粗心大意,开始溺水。故选C。


A slapped

B hurt

C beat

D saved

解析:选D。D考查动词辨析。根据下文“My best friend saved my life”可知,詹姆斯开始溺水,约翰冲过去救了他。故选D。


A If

B When

C Because

D Until



A heart

B rock

C land

D sand

解析:选D。D考查名词辨析。根据上文“James wrote on the sand, ‘My best friend slapped me!’”可知,詹姆斯是在沙子上写道:“我最好的朋友打了我”。故选D。


A sometimes

B forever

C differently

D luckily

解析:选B。B考查副词辨析。根据上文“The wind would have blown it away by now. However, when you saved my life, I recorded it on rock”可知,詹姆斯对约翰说:“你打我的时候,我把它记在沙子上了。现在风已经把它吹走了。但是,你救了我的命,我把它记录在岩石上。它将永远留在那里”。故选B。