
Some artists are often not famous during their lifetime. Vincent van Gogh (梵高) was such an artist. People did not pay much attention to his ____16____. He began to think he was not a very good painter. But he did not give up painting. He was so ____17____ in what he was painting that he did not want to stop. He would even ____18____ to eat!

____19____, his paintings were dark. He used pencils or charcoal sticks (炭条) to make them. Then he ____20____ colour. He used lots of brown and dark green.

Later, Vincent moved to France. He wanted to learn from the artists who ____21____ there. They were trying new ____22____ of painting. In France, Vincent began using bright colours. He used oil paints (油画颜料) to create his art. He painted both the countryside and people. He ____23____ painted self-portraits (自画像). He created more than 20 portraits of himself!

Vincent completed more than 2,000 paintings in his life. ____24____ people did not buy his paintings during his lifetime, his paintings sell for a lot of money today. People think his paintings are masterpieces (杰作). For example, the painting Sunflowers is very ____25____ all over the world.


A trips

B paintings

C villages

D music

解析:选B。1.选B. Pay more attention to 投入注意力,大家并没有对梵高的画关注过多。A选项旅游,C选项村庄,D选项音乐。所以选B绘画。


A wrong

B lucky

C interested

D tired

解析:选C。选C. 固定搭配be interested in对.....感兴趣,A选项错误,B选项幸运,D选项劳累的


A forget

B start

C hope

D agree

解析:选A。3.选A. 梵高一旦开始作画就停不下来,就会忘记吃饭。B选项开始,C选项希望,D选项同意。


A At last

B Once again

C At least

D At first

解析:选D。4.4.选D. 起初,梵高的画非常的黑暗。A选项最后,B选项再一次,C选项至少D选项起初。


A helped

B added

C missed

D guessed

解析:选B。5.6.选A. 他想要向在这里工作的艺术家学习,B选项唱歌,C选项跳舞,D选项做饭。


A worked

B sang

C danced

D cooked

解析:选A。6.6.选A. 他想要向在这里工作的艺术家学习,B选项唱歌,C选项跳舞,D选项做饭。


A facts

B stories

C ways

D reports

解析:选C。7.选C. 他们在尝试新的画法。A选项事实,B选项故事,D选项报道。


A never

B hardly

C perhaps

D also

解析:选D。8.选D. 他也画了自画像,A选项从未,B选项几乎不,C选项可能。


A Before

B Though

C If

D When

解析:选B。选B. 尽管在他活着的时候并没有人买他的画,但在今天他的画卖的很好,A选项在...之前,C选项如果,D选项当....的时候。


A humorous

B polite

C famous

D quiet

解析:选C。选C. 例如,向日葵这一幅画享誉世界。A选项幽默的,B选项礼貌的,D选项安静的。