
The Internet is often used to buy and sell products, pay bills, and communicate with people. But how safe is it when you use the Internet? Our magazine Interactions asked some Internet users about their experiences.

Linda, 29, nurse: I pay all my bills online. One day, I received an email from my bank. It told me that someone was trying to take out money from my account (账号), so I should email my password (密码) to the “bank manager”. I felt something was wrong, so I called my bank and asked about the email. The bank said they never sent it. I realised that someone tried to cheat (欺骗) me of my money. I’ll continue paying my bills this way, but I’ll be more careful.

Emily, 22, office worker: I was at work, and I sent an email to a friend of mine. I was telling her about my problems with Mark, the manager. A few minutes later, a friend of Mark’s came over to my desk. He said, “So you think Mark is too strict?” My face was red. I chose the wrong name on my address list. It was my own fault, so I’ll look over my emails more carefully before I click “Send” next time.

Thomas, 21, university student: I love the Internet! I look up lots of information online. I often buy things on the websites—furniture, clothes, CDs, even foods. I have also sold some of my things on the Internet. I only use the websites I trust and I’ve never had a safety problem.

1.Where is the passage taken from?

A A diary.

B A novel.

C A magazine.

D A history book.


2. Linda probably got the email from a person who ________.

A refused to lend money to her

B asked about her experiences

C sold things to her on the websites

D tried to cheat her of her money

解析:选D。D细节理解。原文“The bank said they never sent it. I realised that someone tried to cheat (欺骗) me of my money. ”可知,Linda收到了诈骗人的邮件。

3.The word “fault” in Paragraph 3 means “________”.

A project

B mistake

C advantage

D plan

解析:选B。B词义猜测。原句“I chose the wrong name on my address list.”意为“我在地址清单上选错了名字”Emily本来是想把抱怨Mark的邮件发给朋友,结果发错了人。可知,是Emily犯了一个错误,选B来同义替换fault。

4.Who shared enjoyable experiences according to the passage?

A Linda.

B Emily.

C Mark.

D Thomas.


5.What is the best title of the passage?

A The Internet: How Safe Is It?

B The Bank: How Useful Is It?

C The Website: How Cheap Is It?

D The Magazine: How Amazing Is It?

解析:选A。A主旨大意。原文首段提到“But how safe is it when you use the Internet?”提出问题互联网使用是否安全?后文内容分享三位互联网使用者的真实经历。可知A选项作为标题最合适。