
Salt has always been important to people. In the past, it was as valuable as gold. Over the years, people discovered different ways to get salt. Some early people got salt from rocks. In other places, people got salt from the sea. They took sea water and put it in the sun. After a long time, the water dried up (耗尽). Then people could get salt.

Today, people still get salt from the sea. But most salt comes from salt mines (矿) and salt wells (井). How do people get salt from salt mines? They dig deep into the ground for it. To get salt from salt wells, people put two pipes (管子) into the ground. Water is sent down through one of the pipes. And the water is mixed with the salt in salt wells. It makes salt water. Then the salt water is pushed up through the other pipe. Later, the salt is taken out of the salt water.
People once worked hard to find and make salt. Now, people can buy it at any food store.

1.Some early people got salt from ________.

A flowers

B fruits

C trees

D rocks

解析:选D。D. 细节理解题,由第一段“Some early people got salt from rocks.”可知一些早期的人从岩石中获取盐,所以选rock。

2.Why did people put sea water in the sun?

A To get salt

B To catch fish.

C To wash clothes.

D To water crops.

解析:选A。A. 细节理解题,由第一段“They took sea water and put it in the sun. After a long time, the water dried up (耗尽). Then people could get salt.”可知把水晒干就能得到盐。

3.How do people get salt from salt mines?

A By mixing sand with gold.

B By digging deep into the ground.

C By putting oil on rocks.

D By throwing stones into the sea.

解析:选B。B. 细节理解题,由第二段“They dig deep into the ground for it.”可知他们深挖地下来获得盐,所以选择B选项

4.What is the right order of getting salt from salt wells? a. The salt is taken out of the salt water. b. Water is sent down through one of the pipes. c. The salt water is pushed up through the other pipe.

A a-b-c

B b-c-a

C c-b-a

D b-a-c

解析:选B。B.细节理解题,由题目中的salt well提取到关键词,定位到文中“To get salt from salt wells”首先水从管子里面流出,然后盐水被推到另一个管子里面,最后盐就从盐水中提取出来。因此选B选项

5.The passage is mainly about ________.

A who discovered salt

B when we made salt

C where salt comes from

D how much salt we need

解析:选C。C. 主旨大意题,全文都在讲盐是从哪里来的,盐的形成,盐的历史,所以选C选项。