
    Nearly a quarter of adults are unable to ride a bicycle, a surprising new survey reveals. The poll of 2,000 British adults found that 24% of Brits lack this fundamental skill, a significant increase from just one in eight five years ago.

    Among those who can’t ride a bike, 22% expressed a desire to learn but feel it’s too late to pick up the skill. The research also sheds light on other activities that many Brits struggle with, including rollerblading (46%), swimming (28%), skateboarding (50%), ice skating (43%), and soccer (30%).

    Fear and embarrassment were cited as the main barriers preventing people from learning new skills. Of those unable to ride a bike, 16% attributed their hesitance to a fear of falling off, while 14% admitted to feeling too embarrassed to learn as an adult. The study found that 52% of respondents (调查对象) believe they lack the necessary skills to engage in new sports, and 42% worry about embarrassing themselves in the process. Lack of motivation (33%) and time constraints (限制) (30%) were identified as additional factors hindering (阻碍) the pursuit of new skills and sports. Furthermore, 27% of respondents believe that their inability to participate in certain activities holds them back in life, while 22% feel societal pressure to excel in these areas.

    Despite these apprehensions, the study, commissioned by HONOR UK and conducted by OnePoll, highlights the importance of lifelong learning, with 81% of respondents acknowledging the value of acquiring new skills as they age. However, more than half (52%) admitted they would feel stupid trying to learn a new skill at their current age. Surfing (17%), taekwondo (11%), and gymnastics (9%) ranked among the sports they wish they’d taken up early on.

    “People shouldn’t be scared to try a new skill, even if it is riding a bike or engaging in any sport. It can feel scary and embarrassing to try a new sport, but capturing those moments can really help you improve,” says Bond Zhang, CEO of HONOR UK.

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1.What can we know from the first two paragraphs?

A 43% of Brits don’t know how to swim.

B About 250 Brits can’t ride bikes in the poll.

C Age prevents some Brits from learning new skills.

D More and more Brits are interested in riding.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Among those who can’t ride a bike, 22% expressed a desire to learn but feel it’s too late to pick up the skill.”可知,在那些不会骑自行车的人中,22%的人表示想学习,但觉得现在掌握这项技能为时已晚,即年龄成为了一些英国人学习新技能的阻碍。故选C。

2.What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?

A Ways to pick up a new skill in a short period of time.

B The answer to where the British spend their time.

C Differences in exercise between adults and children in the UK.

D Reasons why some refuse the pursuit of new skills.


3.What does the underlined word “apprehensions” mean?

A Worries.

B Benefits.

C Guidelines.

D Customs.

解析:选A。A 词义猜测题。根据上一段的“Fear and embarrassment”“ a fear of falling off”“feeling too embarrassed to learn as an adult”和“feel societal pressure to excel in these areas”可知,这些都是人们学习新技能时的担忧。故选A。

4.Which statement will Bond Zhang probably agree with?

A Much will have more.

B To choose time is to save time.

C In time of peace prepare for war.

D Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段的“People shouldn’t be scared to try a new skill”和“It can feel scary and embarrassing to try a new sport, but capturing those moments can really help you improve”可知,他认为人们不应该害怕尝试一项新技能,尝试一项新运动可能会让人感到害怕和尴尬,但这些害怕和尴尬的时刻可以帮助人们提高,因此“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”符合题意。故选D。