
Ed was a professional football player, but in 2017 he had an accident in a swimming pool. After that, he couldn’t move his body from the shoulders down.

Doctors told him that he’d probably never walk again, but Ed didn’t want to believe this. He had recently got engaged (订婚) to the woman who is now his wife and he said that she was the main reason he wanted to get better. He spent six days staring at his toes (脚趾) and trying to make them move—and, finally, he succeeded! This was the start of a long journey.

While in hospital, Ed met Paul, a man in his late thirties. Doctors had also told Paul he would never walk again, but Ed encouraged him not to give up and six months later, Paul told Ed he was walking with a stick.

Only a year after his accident, Ed climbed the highest mountain in Wales. Since then he has also climbed a 6,500-meter mountain in Nepal and he said that after each big climb he noticed his body could do new movements.

Two years later, 31-year-old Ed climbed 8,848 meters, the height of the world’s highest mountain, by going up and down his parents’ stairs 2,783 times. When he finished, he told a news reporter he had loved it although it sometimes was “painful” and “boring”. He also raised £46,000 for charity.

Ed hopes his story can help people. That’s why he started his own charity, M2M, which aims to support “people facing challenges in life.”

1.Who did Ed want to get better mainly for?

A His parents.

B His doctor.

C His friend

D His wife.

解析:选D。D. 细节理解题,由第二段“he said that she was the main reason he wanted to get better. ”可知,主要原因是为了他的妻子。

2. What is Ed like according to Paragraph 3?

A Brave.

B Helpful.

C Honest.

D Hard-working.

解析:选B。B. 推理判断题,根据第三段,Ed鼓励Paul可知Ed是一个善于帮助他人的人,A勇敢的C诚实的D努力的,所以选B。

3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refer to?

A Raising money.

B Doing new movements.

C Visiting parents.

D Going up and down stairs.

解析:选D。D. 词义指代题,it指代前文中的“by going up and down his parents’ stairs 2,783 times.”

4.Put the events about Ed into the correct order according to the passage. a.Ed started M2M. b.Ed succeeded in making his toes move. c.Ed had an accident in a swimming pool. d.Ed climbed the highest mountain in Wales. e.Ed climbed his parents’ stairs 2,783 times.

A c-e-b-d-a

B c-b-d-e-a

C e-a-b-d-c

D e-b-d-c-a

解析:选B。B. 文章出处题,第一段讲的Ed出事故所以排除CD,第二段讲的是他的脚趾能动了,所以排除A。

5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A A Football Player.

B A Challenge Lover.

C A Charity Worker.

D A Mountain Climber.

解析:选B。B. 主旨大意题,全文讲的是Ed事故后如何重新振作并且开始爬山的故事,所以他是一个喜欢挑战自己的人。