
I walked into the bathroom this morning to shave. A part of me wished that I could do it with my eyes    1   . I hadn’t enjoyed looking at my    2    in the mirror lately. It just looked too OLD for my 57 years. The thinning hair on my    3    head was almost all silver gray now. There were too many age    4    from being out in the sun so much in the last 50 years. There were also deep lines in my forehead from a half    5    of grimaces (面部扭曲) because of my daily back pain. The skin on my cheeks looked    6    from my lost weight recently. And there were bags under my eyes from not being able to sleep as long and    7    as I used to. Even the stubble (胡子茬) on my chin was getting white.

After I finished    8   , I looked in the mirror again. My face looked a little sad so I decided to try a    9    instead. Suddenly, something magic happened. Fresh wrinkles appeared but they    10    looked pretty good. Deep laugh lines curved up from my eyes and around my smile. The forehead wrinkles    11    and eyes below them seemed so full of kindness, joy, and    12   . Even my teeth seemed to sparkle and I looked far younger and happier than I had only a few    13    ago. I walked out of the bathroom with that smile on my face and also in my heart.

Grace Paley once said: “You get the face you    14   .” That has certainly been true for me. Age, sun    15   , and back pain are all there in it. But a life lived with kindness, love, and joy are there as well. 

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A opened

B focused

C closed

D widen

解析:选C。C 考查动词。根据题空前文的“to shave”和后文的“I hadn’t enjoyed looking at my ... in the mirror lately.”我最近不喜欢在镜子里看我自己,可知,我想“闭着”眼睛。故选C。


A reflection

B expressions

C impression

D pictures

解析:选A。A 考查名词。根据题空后的“in the mirror”可知,我不想在镜子里看到我的“影像”。故选A。


A front

B long

C cool

D balding

解析:选D。D 考查形容词。根据题空前的“thinning hair”可知我头发稀疏,由此推测我“秃顶”。故选D。


A problems

B diseases

C spots

D groups

解析:选C。C 考查名词。根据题空后的“from being out in the sun so much in the last 50 years”可知,在过去的50年里,由于晒了太多太阳,我的脸上有太多“老年斑”。Age spots意为“老年斑”。故选C。


A decade

B century

C year

D season

解析:选B。B 考查名词。根据前文的“in the last 50 years”并结合题空前的“a half”可知,此处指的是半个“世纪”。故选B。


A young

B soft

C dry

D thin

解析:选D。D 考查形容词。根据后文的“my lost weight”作者体重减轻了,可知,脸颊的皮肤看起来很“薄”。故选D。


A deeply

B lightly

C comfortably

D briefly

解析:选A。A 考查副词。句意:由于我不像以前一样睡得那么久、那么“深”,我的眼袋也长起来了。故选A。


A relaxing

B shaving

C washing

D cleaning

解析:选B。B 考查动词。根据第一段中的“I walked into the bathroom this morning to shave.”可知,作者进盥洗室刮胡子。故选B。


A hat

B hug

C smile

D tear

解析:选C。C 考查名词。根据倒数第二段中的“and around my smile”可知,作者决定远离悲伤,试着“微笑”。故选C。


A certainly

B luckily

C actually

D simply

解析:选C。C 考查副词。句意:新的皱纹出现了,但它们“实际上”看起来很好。故选C。


A hided

B deepened

C developed

D eased

解析:选D。D 考查动词。根据后文的“eyes below them seemed so full of kindness, joy”新皱纹下面的眼睛似乎充满了善意和喜悦,属于正面积极描述,故此处皱纹“舒缓、减轻”最符合文意。故选D。


A love

B peace

C caring

D happiness

解析:选A。A 考查名词。根据文章最后一句“But a life lived with kindness, love, and joy are there as well.”可知此处缺少love。故选A。


A days

B years

C months

D moments

解析:选D。D 考查名词。根据第二段中的“After I finished ..., I looked in the mirror again.”这段时间比较短,只是“片刻”。故选D。


A want

B deserve

C need

D remember

解析:选B。B 考查动词。根据后文“That has certainly been true for me. Age, sun ..., and back pain are all there in it.”对我来说确实是这样,年龄、背痛都体现在我的脸上,由此可推知,你会得到一张你“应得”的脸。故选B。


A stroke

B damage

C bathing

D changing

解析:选B。B 考查名词。根据第一段中的“being out in the sun so much”可知作者常年在太阳底下,面部变老了,即这里说的是太阳“晒伤”。故选B。