意外所得变珍宝 女士好心归还让古董回家
意外所得变珍宝 女士好心归还让古董回家

It is 2024 now. This is an unusual event. Anna Lee Dozier is from Washington, DC, the United States. She found something that excited historians and archaeologists (考古学家).

Five years ago, Anna was shopping at a store in Clinton, MD. She found an interesting vase (花瓶) on the shelf. It was on sale. She thought it was beautiful, so she bought it home.

In January this year, Anna’s work took her to Mexico. She visited the Museum of Anthropology (人类学博物馆). She was surprised to see artifacts (历史文物) that looked just like her vase. That interested Anna.

When she got back to her country, Anna sent pictures and sizes of the vase to experts. To her surprise, she learned that her $3.99 vase was a real Mexican artifact. It was from the Mayan people, who lived between 200 and 800 AD. The vase is nearly two thousand years old and very valuable.

Instead of keeping or selling the vase, Anna decided to give it back to Mexico. She asked how to return the ancient item to its home country. In a special ceremony at the Cultural Institute of Mexico, she gave it to Mexican Ambassador (大使) Esteban Moctezuma Barragán.

The vase will be kept in a museum in Mexico.

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1.Where does Anna come from?

A Mexico.

B The USA.

C Canada.

D New Zealand.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Anna Lee Dozier is from Washington, DC, the United States.”可知,安娜来自美国。故选B。

2.When did Anna get the vase?

A In 2024.

B In 2018.

C In 2020.

D In 2019.

解析:选D。D数字计算题。根据第一段中的“It is 2024 now.”和第二段中的“Five years ago”可知,五年前,即(2024-5=)2019年安娜得到了这个花瓶。故选D。

3.Why did Anna go to Mexico this year?

A To work.

B To study.

C To go on holiday.

D To meet a friend.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In January this year, Anna’s work took her to Mexico.”可知,今年安娜是因为工作去的墨西哥。故选A。

4.How did Anna feel about the vase’s real value(价值)?

A Excited.

B Worried.

C Surprised.

D Sad.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段中的“To her surprise, she learned that her $3.99 vase was a real Mexican artifact.”可知,安娜很惊讶,这个花瓶竟然是一个历史文物(价值不菲)。故选C。

5.What do the underlined words “the ancient item” refer to(指代)?

A The woman.

B The vase.

C The country.

D The money.

解析:选B。B词意指代题。根据划线部分前文的“Instead of keeping or selling the vase”可知,划线部分指代的是那个花瓶。故选B。