噪音扰邻写信投诉 邻居暖心回复破防
噪音扰邻写信投诉 邻居暖心回复破防

When these Londoners sent their neighbors a letter requesting that they keep the noise down in the mornings, they weren’t expecting such a sweet reply! Martina Panchetti, an Italian woman living in England, shared the cutest video on social media. In it, she showed her followers the message she received in response to her mild complaint. It was way too cute!

“We sent a letter to our neighbors politely asking to make less noise (they’re a family with kids) and possibly avoid playing piano too early in the morning,” wrote Martina in her video. “This is how they replied.”
She proceeded to show some pictures of the apology letter her neighbors replied with. First of all, Martina held up the envelope to demonstrate that it was decorated with a really cute planet Earth sticker. Then, she opened it up to reveal the contents. It turns out that the neighbor family’s small kids actually wrote the note!
“Dear neighbors,” the letter read. “Thank you for your kind message. We realize that sometimes we can be noisy and naughty. We started learning piano and our teachers told us to practice every day. But we sincerely apologize for not considering the times of day and the weekends.” The kids also admitted to disobeying their mother, who had been asking them not to play the piano at those times. “We promise YOU and we promise our mommy to try to be more considerate,” they continued.
However, this adorable letter wasn’t the only apology these thoughtful neighbors sent over. They also included some treats from their country! Martina was truly touched. “On our way to cook some Italian sweets for them,” she wrote in her video.
What a wonderful way to respond! If anything, this exchange has probably strengthened the bond between these neighbors.
奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.Why did Martina write a letter to their neighbors?

A To complain.

B To respond.

C To praise.

D To apologize.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“the message she received in response to her mild complaint”以及第二段中的“We sent a letter to our neighbors politely asking to make less noise (they’re a family with kids) and possibly avoid playing piano too early in the morning”我们给邻居写了一封信,礼貌地要求他们少吵闹,尽量避免在清晨弹钢琴,即他们写这封信是向邻居抱怨。故选A。

2.Who replied to the letter?

A The sisters.

B The parents.

C The children.

D The grandparents.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“It turns out that the neighbor family’s small kids actually wrote the note!”原来这张纸条是邻居家的小孩写的。故选C。

3.Why did the neighbors make much noise?

A Because they were decorating houses.

B Because the kids were learning piano.

C Because they were annoyed by others.

D Because the kids were very naughty.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段中的“We started learning piano and our teachers told us to practice every day.”我们开始学钢琴,老师告诉我们要每天练习。由此可知,邻居家的噪音是孩子练习钢琴时产生的。故选B。

4.What else came with this letter?

A Some photos.

B A notebook.

C Some snacks.

D Italian sweets.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“They also included some treats from their country!”里面还有一些来自他们国家的零食。故选C。