中考真题2024年河北省阅读理解D篇-Ways of Managing Money
中考真题2024年河北省阅读理解D篇-Ways of Managing Money

At an early age, we start learning how to manage money by watching our parents' spending habits. Don't worry if we haven't learned well how to save or spend money. The following life lessons about money can help us form good spending habits.

Money doesn't grow on trees. As kids, we don't often think about where money comes from. We need to know that our parents work hard to make money, and that it may be used up one day. Going to their workplaces to watch how they work is a great way to understand money is not that easy to make.

We shouldn't spend all our money in one go. It's important for us to have a budget(预算). In other words, we need to think about how much money we have and what we really want to spend it on. Realizing that our pocket money can't cover everything we want, we should make smart spending choices.

We should set a clear goal and watch our money grow. If we wish to own a new bicycle but can't afford it, we can save our pocket money. How? Write down how much money we have in a notebook and watch it grow. After we have enough, we can buy that wonderful bicycle we've dreamed about! Reaching our goal will greatly satiate us.

We can talk with our parents about how money is used and where money goes. Do you know what a bank account(账户)is? If not, communicate with our parents. We can also go to the supermarket with our parents to experience how money is spent in the real world.

Without doubt, we should treat money in a right way. Actually, learning about money isn't a hard job. From these lessons, we can get a sense of money management and right money values step by step! 

1.Where does money come from according to the text?

A Parents' hard work.

B Kids' life lessons.

C Good spending habits.

D The bank account.

解析:选A。A.细节理解题。根据文本第二段提到的“we don't often think about where money comes from. We need to know that our parents work hard to make money”,可以明确知道钱来自于父母的辛勤工作,因此答案为A。

2.What does the writer want kids to do by giving the example of buying a bicycle?

A Buy a wonderful notebook.

B Make a free spending choice.

C Set a goal of saving money.

D Have an experience of shopping.

解析:选C。C.细节理解。在文本第四段中第一句就说了,“We should set a clear goal and watch our money grow”,作者通过购买自行车的例子,希望孩子们能设定一个存钱的目标。因此,答案为C,即作者希望孩子们通过买自行车的例子来设定存钱的目标。

3. What does the underlined word "satiate” mean in Paragraph 4?

A Relax.

B Interest.

C Surprise.

D Satisfy.

解析:选D。D.词义猜测。在第四段中,作者提到“After we have enough, we can buy that wonderful bicycle we've dreamed about! Reaching our goal will greatly satiate us.”,意思是“当我们有足够的钱时,就可以买一辆梦寐以求的好自行车了!实现目标会让我们非常满足”。由此可以推断出“satiate”的意思是满足,因此答案为D

4.Which of the following will the writer probably agree with?

A Adults can make money grow more.

B Kids should have a money spending plan.

C Parents may give kids lots of pocket money.

D Supermarkets will be places to change money.

解析:选B。B.细节理解题。在文本第三段中,作者提到“We shouldn't spend all our money in one go. It's important for us to have a budget. In other words, we need to think about how much money we have and what we really want to spend it on.”,即“我们不应该一次性花光所有的钱。有预算很重要。换句话说,我们需要考虑我们有多少钱,以及我们到底想把钱花在什么地方”。这表明作者认为孩子们应该有一个花钱的计划,因此答案为B。

5.What is the best title for the text?

A Causes of Spending Money

B Ways of Managing Money

C Purposes of Treating Money

D Conditions of Saving Money
