
Chat(聊天)        Today

Wang Hao:Hi, Li Jian! Are you there?

Li Jian:Hi! I'm here! What's up, Wang Hao?

Wang Hao:Good. Mr. and Mrs. Sun are old and they are part of our "Help at Home" program. We can go and do something to help them.

Li Jian:Yes! When?

Wang Hao:I'm doing shopping with Mum, but I'll be back at five. Maybe at 5: 15?

Li Jian:I'm doing my science project. Can we meet 30 minutes later?

Wang Hao:OK. Where? At the city library?

Li Jian:Oh, no. What about the sports center?

Wang Hao:Sure. Zhao Min says he can clean their house and Zhang Fan says she can feed their cat and I'll water their garden.

Li Jian:I can make soup for them.

Wang Hao:Good! See you there at 5:45!

Li Jian:See you.

1.What are Wang Hao and Li Jian mainly talking about?

A Playing sports.

B Going shopping.

C Helping an old couple.

D Doing a science project.

解析:选C。C主旨大意题。根据“Mr. and Mrs. Sun are old and they are part of our ‘Help at Home’ program. We can go and do something to help them.”可知王浩和李健主要谈论的是帮助一对老年夫妇的事情。故选C。

2.Where will Wang Hao and Li Jian meet?

A At the city library.

B At the sports center.

C At Li Jian's home.

D At the supermarket.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据“Oh, no. What about the sports center? Sure.”可知他们约定的地点是运动中心,故选B。

3.What will Zhao Min do?

A Feed the cat.

B Make the soup.

C Clean the house.

D Water the garden.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据“Zhao Min says he can clean their house...”可知选择C。