
Think about how much time you spent outside last week. Really “outside.” Walking from the car into the mall doesn’t count.

Now think about how much time you spent indoors—on the Internet or playing video games or watching TV.

You may say, “I play inside more than outside and I like to play games on the computer.”

If so, it’s likely that you spent more time inside four walls than outside in fresh air. Kids today spend two fewer hours per week on sports and outdoor activities than kids did 20 years ago. That’s according to a University of Michigan study. Non-moving activities are more popular. The costs “include overweight, greater stress, higher rates of physical and emotional illness and less joy…,” says Richard Louv, writer of Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder.

  • Play is important, even for adults.

Outdoor activity betters your senses. The next time you sit down to message your friends, take note of your senses during and after your texting. Then do the same experiment after you’ve done something outside. You will find being outdoors brings the senses to life. “Hiking, exploring, and fishing help hone all of your senses,” says Betsy Keller. She’s a professor of exercise and sports sciences at Ithaca College in New York. “Smell, sight... all of your senses are in use when you’re outside.”

Outdoor play frees your mind. Are you stressed out? Having trouble devoting your mind to what you’re doing? Too much time indoors — away from the natural world — may be a cause. Louv uses a term to describe the set of problems caused by too much time indoors: nature deficit disorder. He says, “I use it to describe the price we pay for being so separated from nature.”

Spending time outdoors brings you closer to the environment. When you’re out, breathe in fresh air, hear the leaves crackle underfoot and search cool birds and plants in the woods. It can help you feel more connected to the natural world. No woods nearby? Nature can be found right outside your back door or in your local park.

So the next time you sit down to spend quality time with a video game, consider treating yourself to a little outdoor play instead.

1.How does the writer first introduce the topic of outdoor play?

A By presenting the results of a recent study.

B By introducing different kinds of outdoor play.

C By inviting the reader to think about his or her own case.

D By telling the reader outdoor play is good for body and mind.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据“Think about how much time you spent outside last week”可知作者通过让读者思考自己在户外待了多长时间来引出话题。故选C。

2.Which sentence should go in the ① in Paragraph 5?

A Outdoor play helps form relationships.

B Just getting outdoors does wonders.

C Nature can remind us of life beyond our worries.

D The outdoors is the best place to practise physical skills.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据“Play is important, even for adults”以及“Outdoor activity betters your senses.”并结合下文内容可知玩很重要,所以此处引出户外运动的好处,选项B“只是到户外就有神奇的效果”符合语境。故选B。

3. Which word is closest to the meaning of “hone” in Paragraph 6?

A improve

B limit

C produce

D organize

解析:选A。A词义猜测题。根据“You will find being outdoors brings the senses to life. ‘Hiking, exploring, and fishing help hone all of your senses’”可知户外活动给生活带来了感官,徒步旅行、探险和钓鱼有助于磨练你的所有感官,故此处划线部分和improve意义相近。故选A。

4.Which of the following is a good way to enjoy outdoor play?

A Walking from your car into the mall.

B Spending your quality time with TV drama series.

C Playing a video game of making sandcastles by the beach.

D Watching in your local park how fast the clouds are moving.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据“Nature can be found right outside your back door or in your local park.”可知大自然就在你的后门外或你当地的公园里,所以在你当地的公园里观察云朵移动的速度有多快,这是享受户外运动的好方式。故选D。