
One day in autumn Squire Gordon, my master, went on a trip into town. John, my caretaker, went with him. I pulled the cart. The weather was rainy and windy, but we travelled happily.

Gordon’s business took a long time. We didn’t leave until late afternoon. The wind was then much higher. My master said to John, “I have never been out in such a storm!” Mr Gordon and John could not see well in the rain.

We came to a wooden bridge. It was very nearly dark. We could just see that the water was over the middle of the bridge. But as that happened sometimes when the floods were out, master did not stop. The moment my feet touched the first part of the bridge, I felt sure there was something wrong. I dare (敢于) not go forward, and I made a dead stop. “Go on, Beauty,” said my master, and he gave me a touch with the whip (鞭子), but I dare not move. He gave me a sharp cut and I jumped, but I dare not go forward.

“There’s something wrong, sir,” said John, and he got out and tried to lead me forward. “Come on, Beauty.” But I knew that the bridge was not safe.

Just then the man on the other side saw us.

“Hey! Halloo! Stop!” he cried.

“What’s the matter?” shouted my master.

“The bridge is broken in the middle, and part of it is carried away. If you go onto it, you’ll be into the river.”

“Thank you for saving us, Beauty!” said John. He gently turned me round to the right hand road by the river side. It grew darker and darker, stiller and stiller.

When we returned home the Squire told Mrs Gordon, “Black Beauty saved our lives. He knew the bridge was dangerous.”

John took me to the stable. Oh! What a good supper he gave me that night! What a nice bed of straw! I was glad of it, for I was tired.

— Adapted from Black Beauty

1.What was the weather like when Gordon, John and Beauty left town for home?

A The rain came to a stop.

B There was a heavy storm.

C It was sunny and windy.

D The wind was much gentler.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据“We didn’t leave until late afternoon.…I have never been out in such a storm!”可知,高登、约翰以及黑骏马离开小镇回家时,有大的暴风雨。故选B。

2.Which of the following is the correct order of the story? a. The man warned them not to cross the broken bridge. b. The master touched Black Beauty with the whip. c. Black Beauty was well rewarded for his decision. d. Black Beauty refused to obey his master at the bridge. e. They three came to a wooden bridge, ready to cross the river.

A ebdac

B bdaec

C edcab

D dbeca

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据“We came to a wooden bridge.…said my master, and he gave me a touch with the whip…He gave me a sharp cut and I jumped, but I dare not go forward.…The bridge is broken in the middle, and part of it is carried away. If you go onto it, you’ll be into the river…Oh! What a good supper he gave me that night! What a nice bed of straw!”可知,文章的正确发展顺序是:他们来到一座木桥前,准备过河;主人用鞭子抽打黑骏马;黑骏马在桥上拒绝服从他的主人;一个人警告他们不要过桥;黑骏马的决定得到了很好的回报。故选A。

3.Which detail supports the main idea that Black Beauty knew the bridge was dangerous?

A Mr Gordon and John could not see well in the rain.

B We could just see that the water was over the middle of the bridge.

C He gave me a sharp cut and I jumped, but I dare not go forward.

D He gently turned me round to the right hand road by the river side.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据“He gave me a sharp cut and I jumped, but I dare not go forward.”可知,黑骏马被主人划了一刀,但是仍然不敢过桥。故可知这个细节可以推断黑骏马知道过桥很危险。故选C。

4.According to the passage, what is Black Beauty like?

A Brave and smart.

B Modest and hard-working.

C Impolite and fearful.

D Impatient and unwise.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据“We could just see that the water was over the middle of the bridge. But as that happened sometimes when the floods were out, master did not stop. The moment my feet touched the first part of the bridge, I felt sure there was something wrong.”可知,他们过桥时,看到水已经漫过了桥的中间,但是黑骏马还是打算试探一下,可知他是勇敢的。黑骏马在试探过后,立马察觉到了危险,说明他是聪明的。故选A。