
Pets aren’t just a fun member of the family. They are also good for your health and happiness.

People with pets are more likely (可能的) to be _1_.  Playing with a cat or taking a dog for daily _2_ around the garden gets you moving your body, and out in the fresh air too.

Spending time with your pet helps you get _3_.  Talking to your pet about your worries can make you feel comfortable and helps you feel _4_. When you’re with your pet, you can let go of problems _5_ you give them your full attention.

Having an animal in the family helps you learn new _6_, like how to teach them to understand orders, such as “Sit” or “Lie down”. _7_ games to play with them allows you to practice being creative. Learning how to _8_ pets, understanding what they want and making sure that they live _9_, teaches you to understand others’ feelings. Pets can also help you get to know other dog owners on walks, or help you become _10_ with them when you tell funny stories about your pets.


A active

B careful

C useful

D modern

解析:选A。active活跃的;careful认真的;useful有用的 ;modern现代的。根据“gets you moving your body, and out in the fresh air too.”可知,养宠物可以帮助你活动身体,故养宠物的人会更活跃。故选A。


A tests

B talks

C showers

D walks

解析:选D。句意:每天和猫玩耍或在花园里遛狗可以让你的身体动起来,也可以呼吸到新鲜的空气。 tests测试;talks谈话;showers淋浴;walks散步。根据“taking a dog for daily…around the garden”可知,此处指每天在花园里带着狗散步。故选D。


A tired

B touched

C relaxed

D bored

解析:选C。句意:花时间和你的宠物在一起可以帮助你放松。 tired劳累的;touched感动的;relaxed放松的;bored无聊的。根据“Talking to your pet about your worries can make you feel comfortable”可知,和宠物在一起会让你感到舒服放松。故选C。


A prouder

B better

C wiser

D cuter

解析:选B。句意:与你的宠物谈论你的担忧可以让你感到舒适,并帮助你感觉更好。 prouder更骄傲的;better更好的;wiser更明智的;cuter更可爱的。根据“Talking to your pet about your worries can make you feel comfortable and helps you feel…”可知,和宠物在一起会让你感到舒服,让你感觉更好。故选B。


A even if

B as

C as if

D unless

解析:选B。句意:当你和你的宠物在一起时,你可以把所有的问题都放下,因为你给了它们你的全部注意力。 even if即使;as因为;as if好像;unless除非。根据“you can let go of problems…you give them your full attention”可知,和宠物在一起时,因为你把注意力都给了它们,所以你可以把自己的问题全部放下,故用as连接,引导原因状语从句。故选B。


A skills

B languages

C cultures

D spirits

解析:选A。句意:家里有一只动物可以帮助你学习新技能,比如如何教它们理解命令,比如“坐下”或“躺下”。 skills技能;languages语言;cultures文化;spirits精神。根据“like how to teach them to understand orders…”可知,养宠物可以帮助你学习新技能,下文介绍了一些技能。故选A。


A Watching

B Attending

C Inventing

D Winning

解析:选C。句意:发明游戏和他们一起玩可以让你练习创造性。 Watching观看;Attending参加;Inventing发明;Winning赢得。根据“allows you to practice being creative”可知,发明一些可以和宠物玩的游戏可以让你锻炼创造力。故选C。


A wake up

B search for

C depend on

D look after

解析:选D。句意:学习如何照顾宠物,了解它们想要什么,并确保它们快乐地生活,教会你理解别人的感受。 wake up醒来;search for搜寻;depend on依靠;look after照顾。根据“Learning how to…pets, understanding what they want and making sure that they live…”可知,此处指了解宠物的需求,学习如何照顾它们。故选D。


A quietly

B happily

C lazily

D busily

解析:选B。句意:学习如何照顾宠物,了解它们想要什么,并确保它们快乐地生活,教会你理解别人的感受。 quietly安静地;happily快乐地;lazily懒惰地;busily忙碌地。根据“Learning how to…pets, understanding what they want and making sure that they live…”可知,此处指了解宠物的需求,确保宠物能够快乐生活。故选B。


A friends

B relatives

C trainers

D members

解析:选A。句意:宠物还可以帮助你在散步时认识其他养狗的人,或者在你讲宠物的趣事时帮助你和他们成为朋友。 friends朋友;relatives亲戚;trainers教练;members成员。根据“Pets can also help you get to know other dog owners”可知,此处指养宠物会帮助你与其他宠物主人结交,成为朋友。故选A。