
Li Baoguo was a university teacher in Hebei Province. He thought it wasn’t enough to give lessons just in a classroom. Li spent his whole life helping poor farmers improve their agricultural (农业的) skills. In 2016, the year he died, President Xi Jinping said that he was like “Yugong on the Taihang Mountains”.

Li Baoguo did most of his important work in the Taihang Mountains. He heard that the farmers there were very poor and decided to help them. He thought that the farmers needed change the empty, lifeless mountains around them into green land and grow crops and trees on the mountains.

He taught the farmers how to make ditches (沟渠) to collect rain water, and then helped then grow apple trees and other crops. He organized more than 800 training lessons and wrote simp books for them to read. After 1981, he spent more than 200 days every year planting trees and crops with the villagers. Thanks to him, this land now is covered with crops that help the farm make a lot more money. Li worked hard in the countryside of Hebei Province for 35 years. He helped about 100,000 farmers to live better. In all those long years, he never complained (抱怨) about the working conditions in the mountains.

In 2018, a film, The Taste of Apple, was made. It tells the story of Li Baoguo. When it was shown in one of the villages that he had helped, people cried. The farmers recalled the hard work of Li. They said they would never forget his dedication (奉献) to helping them live a better life.

1.Where did Li Baoguo do most of his important work according to the passage?

A At home.

B In the countryside.

C In the classroom.

D In a university.

解析:选B。B文章出处题。文章第三段倒数第三排原句“Li worked hard in the countryside of Hebei Province for 35 years.”意为“李在河北省农村辛勤耕耘了 35 年”由此可知李保国大部分工作都是在农村完成的。

2.How did Li Baoguo help the farmers?

A By giving them money.

B By teaching them to build houses.

C By helping them move the mountains.

D By improving their agricultural skills.

解析:选D。D文章出处题。第一段中原文“Li spent his whole life helping poor farmers improve their agricultural (农业的) skills. ”意“李保国一生都在帮助贫困农民提高农业技能。”可知,选D选项,而不是给钱,帮他们建房,或者把山移走等错误选项。

3.Why did the villagers cry when they watched the film?

A Because the film was scary.

B Because the film was about their village.

C Because it was difficult for them to watch a movie.

D Because they were thankful for Li Baoguo’s help.

解析:选D。D句意理解题。文章最后一段原文“They said they would never forget his dedication (奉献) to helping them live a better life”意为“他们说,他们永远不会忘记李保国为了帮助他们过上更好的生活而做出的奉献。”由此可知是因为村民们非常感恩李保国的付出,看电影时才会哭泣。A,B,C项错误。

4.Li Baoguo was a person who _______.

A directed the film The Taste of Apple

B was born in the Taihang Mountains

C spent his whole life helping poor farmers

D wrote 800 simple books for the farmers

解析:选C。C主旨大意题。电影并不是李保国拍摄的,A项错误;B项,只是说李保国大部分工作在太行山完成的,并没提及到在太行山出生,B错误;D项,文章第三段原文为“He organized more than 800 training lessons and wrote simp books for them to read. ”意为“他组织了 800 多次培训,并编写了简易书籍供他们阅读。”并不是编写了800本书,D项错误。C项,从文章大意出发,李保国在河北农村呆了几十年,旨在于帮助贫困农民提高农业技能,C项正确。

5.Which is the best title of the passage?

A Yugong in Modern Times

B A Farmer’s Story

C A Great Teacher

D Taste The of Apple

解析:选A。A项主旨大意题。文章第一段原文“President Xi Jinping said that he was like “Yugong on the Taihang Mountains”. 意为“习近平主席说他就像 "太行山上的愚公"。”A项,当代愚公是对李保国这个人,他的事迹的高度凝练总结。B项,李保国的身份是老师,并不是农民,错误;C项,仅是身份的表达,没有A项合适;D项,《苹果的味道》讲述了李保国的故事,但仍然不如A项“当代愚公”作为标题合适。