
The Islands of Tahiti belongs to France. It helps humpback whales (座头鲸) every year: giving them a place to live and protecting them from danger. It is beautiful. While many people come here for the beautiful nature, some come here for a different reason: to swim with humpback whales. 

Patea Alexandre lives on one of the islands. He loves these whales. “They are part of us here in Tahiti,” says Alexandre. In 1998, Alexandre started driving whale tour boats. After ten years, he created Moorea Blue Water. People book (预定) the tour by word of mouth. “Swimming with whales is not just an exciting experience; it’s also something you’ll never forget.”

But there are some rules. Boats must stay 100m away and swimmers 30m. The rules are created for people’s safety, as well as whales’ health. This year (2024), people can swim with whales from August 1 to November 11.

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1.How does Tahiti help humpback whales?

A By giving them food.

B By helping them learn.

C By building them a house.

D By protecting them from danger.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段的“It helps humpback whales (座头鲸) every year: giving them a place to live and protecting them from danger.”可知,这群岛屿每年都会帮助座头鲸:为它们提供生活的地方,保护它们免遭危险。故选D。

2.When was Moorea Blue Water created?

A In 1998.

B In 1988.

C In 2008.

D In 2002.

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第二段中的“In 1998, he started driving whale tour boats. After ten years, he created Moorea Blue Water.”1998年,他开始驾驶赏鲸船。十年后,他创建了Moorea Blue Water。可知Moorea Blue Water创建于(1998+10=)2008年。故选C。

3.How does Alexandre feel about swimming with whales?

A It causes surprise.

B It is hard to forget.

C It is exciting but dangerous.

D It is very common for people.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段中的“it’s also something you’ll never forget.”可知,他认为这也是人们永远不会忘记的事情。故选B。

4.4.How far can people stay while swimming with whales? ①100m ②40m ③29m ④31m

A ③

B ①②

C ①②④

D ①②③④

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Boats must stay 100m away and swimmers 30m.”可知,船只必须离鲸鱼100米,游泳者30米远。结合选项可知,①②④均在30米以上。故选C。

5.When can people swim with whales this year?

A A.On July 29.

B On August 15.

C On November 21.

D On January 11.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“This year (2024), people can swim with whales from August 1 to November 11.”今年(2024年),人们可以在8月1日至11月11日期间与鲸鱼一起游泳。故选B。