
Liu Lingli has been a teacher for hearing-impaired (听力受损的) children for 33 years. Her first communication with hearing-impaired people was with her neighbor, Mrs. Wang. One day, when Liu was playing in her house, Wang used sign language (手语) to communicate with her. But Liu couldn’t understand. Wang’s husband told Liu that Mrs. Wang wanted to make her a scarf.

“I was moved by her kindness, and thought it would be great if she could speak,” Liu said, “so I decided to become a teacher for hearing-impaired students.”

At first, Liu almost gave up because of difficulties. She then thought about her neighbor and the pain on her face when she could not make people understand what she was trying to say. That made Liu stick to her dream of being a “special education” teacher and she succeeded.

Although she was only 18 at that time, she regarded the students as her children. Every day, she spent much time teaching them to speak. One of her students, Jiang Yan, said Liu would show over 100 times how to speak just one word. She also taught the students how to wash their face and clothes, and clip their nails (剪指甲).

Liu Lingli put lots of efforts to help them live better, too. With her help and encouragement, another student Liu Hanxiang could communicate normally with others. Liu Hanxiang learned dancing and is a member of an art group now.

Thanks to Liu’s devotion (奉献), more than 20 students have received higher education. “Whenever they tried to say ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ for the first time, I felt it was the sweetest sound in the world,” Liu Lingli said.

1.Why did Liu Lingli decide to become a teacher of “special education”?

A Because she was interested in sign language.

B Because she wanted to be a successful teacher.

C Because she was moved by her neighbor’s kindness.

D Because she wanted to help Wang’s husband to speak.

解析:选C。根据原文第二段,定位“so I decided.”,原因在前半句。“我被她的善良感动,我想如果她能听到的话,将会更好”,因此选C。

2.What did Liu Lingli teach her students to do according to paragraph 4? a. Speak. b. Learn art. c. Clip nails. d. Wash face and clothes.

A a, b, c

B a, b, d

C b, c, d

D a, c, d


3.What can we know from the text?

A Jiang Yan dances well and is a member of an art group now.

B Liu Hanxiang advised Liu Lingli to communicate with others.

C Liu Lingli makes great efforts to help her students to live better.

D Less than 20 of Liu Lingli’s students have got higher education.

解析:选C。A选项对应的原文是Liu Hanxiang 跳舞,错误。B选项与原文意思相反,是老师鼓励了Liu Hanxiang。D选项中原文对应的是“over”,而题干“less than”与原文意思相反。故不选。C选项与原文倒数第二段的第一句匹配,意思一致,故选C。

4.Which of the following words can best describe Liu Lingli?

A Devoted.

B Honest.

C Quiet.

D Lucky.


5.In which part of a newspaper can you probably read the text?

A People.

B Science.

C Sports.

D Travel.

解析:选A。通读全文,可以发现本文讲述的是《感动中国》2023 年度人物湖南衡阳市特殊教育学校教师刘玲琍,属于报纸上的人物篇,因此选 A。