

David Brown is a 15-year-old boy from the UK. This summer he is studying Chinese in a summer camp in Gansu Province. This is what he told our interviewer.

What do you think of Gansu?

Well, I think it’s fantastic. Summer is the best season to visit Gansu. I enjoy the pleasant weather a lot. Gansu also has many pretty views with a long history.

Is there anything else you especially like about it?

Yes, the friendly people and delicious foods.

When we were in Tianshui City 3 days ago, we tried malatang, a traditional spicy hot pot dish. I like it a lot. Beef noodles and niangpizi are also my favorites. I haven’t tried huidouzi. But it seems very tasty.

Where are you staying in Gansu?

I’m staying with some very nice families in different cities in Gansu. That’s quite helpful for learning Chinese and experiencing the life and culture here. That’s why I’ve chosen home-stay.

Do you like learning Chinese?

I enjoy learning Chinese because it’s interesting and has a rich history. Chinese characters are beautiful, and the language offers many chances. Being able to speak Chinese will be very helpful in the future. I want to be a Chinese teacher when I’m older.

1.What does David Brown do?

A He is a British teacher.

B He is a tour guide.

C He is an English student.

D He is an America teenager.

解析:选C。根据“David Brown is a 15-year-old boy from the UK.”可知,大卫是一个英国学生。故选C。

2.What food hasn’t David tried in Gansu?

A Beef noodles.

B Malatang.

C Niangpizi.

D Huidouzi.

解析:选D。根据“I haven’t tried huidouzi.”可知,大卫在甘肃没有吃过灰豆子。故选D。

3.How does David like Gansu?

A He enjoys it a lot.

B He doesn’t mind it.

C He can’t stand the weather.

D He hates it.

解析:选A。根据“What do you think of Gansu? Well, I think it’s fantastic.”可知,大卫认为甘肃很棒,他很喜欢甘肃。故选A。

4.Why is David staying with the local families?

A Because he has no other choices.

B Because his parents ask him to do so.

C Because it’s helpful for language learning.

D Because it’s cheaper than staying in hotels.

解析:选C。根据“That’s quite helpful for learning Chinese and experiencing the life and culture here. That’s why I’ve chosen home-stay.”可知,大卫选择民宿的原因是,他认为这样对语言学习很有帮助。故选C。

5.What makes David want to be a Chinese teacher?

A The enjoyment Chinese food brings.

B Chinese friendly people he met.

C What the interviewer told him.

D Many chances the language will bring.

解析:选D。根据“Chinese characters are beautiful, and the language offers many chances. Being able to speak Chinese will be very helpful in the future. I want to be a Chinese teacher when I’m older.”可知,大卫认为汉语很美,将来会提供很多机会,所以大卫想成为一名汉语老师。故选D。