
Each ARTS FIRST festival is a unique annual celebration of the Harvard community's artistic creativity. We invite you to join us for the coming ARTS FIRST. We look forward to welcoming you as we showcase the creativity of the Harvard arts community through performances, art exhibitions and art-making activities. The festival is a public event for Harvard and community members of all ages.

Light Awash in Watercolor

Learn about the materials and qualities of watercolor paint with experts from the Harvard Art Museums Materials Lab. Try your hand at some of the painting tricks used by artists whose works will be in the upcoming exhibition of American Watercolors 1880-1990: Into the Light.

Spineless Artists: Invertebrate Creativity

From webs to cocoons, invertebrates (无脊椎动物) create some of nature's most delicate and beautiful designs. Join Javier Marin from the Harvard Museum of Natural History to learn how insects and other invertebrates dance, inspire fashion and create art, while making your own spineless artists out of craft (手工艺) materials.

Wheel Throwing

Join instructors from the Ceramics Program and great potters from Quincy, Cabot and Mather Houses for demonstrations using the potter's wheel. Then create your own masterpiece!

Knitting and Pom-Pom Making

Join the Harvard Undergraduate Knitting Circle to make pom-poms and tassels out of thread, or pick up a pair of needles and learn to knit (编织).

1.What do we know about ARTS FIRST?

A It is an exhibition of oil paintings.

B It offers art courses for all ages.

C It presents recreational activities.

D It is a major tourist attraction.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句中的“showcase the creativity of the Harvard arts community through performances, art exhibitions and art-making activities”可知,ARTS FIRST 艺术节通过表演、艺术展览和艺术创作活动的形式展示哈佛艺术社区的创造力,表演、艺术展览和艺术创作皆是娱乐性质的,因此,它是一个展示娱乐活动的艺术节。故选C。

2.Which program will you join if you're interested in drawing pictures?

A Light Awash in Watercolor.

B Spineless Artists: Invertebrate Creativity.

C Wheel Throwing.

D Knitting and Pom-Pom Making.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据小标题Light Awash in Watercolor下的第二句“Try your hand at some of the painting tricks used by artists.”可知, Light Awash in Watercolor这个活动涉及绘画技巧的实践和体验。如果你对绘画感兴趣,可以加入这个活动。故选A。

3.What can you do together with Javier Marin?

A Practice a traditional dance.

B Make handcrafts.

C Visit a local museum.

D Feed invertebrates.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据题干中的Javier Marin定位到第三段,并由第三段中的“Join Javier Marin from the Harvard Museum of Natural History...while making your own spineless artists out of craft materials.可知,你可以和Javier Marin一起用手工艺材料制作无脊椎动物,即“手工艺品”。故选B。