
A sixty-year-old American, Mr. Linden, wears many hats: a writer, a businessman, a traveller, an educator and the founder of a famous hotel. He has lived in a village in Yunnan Province for nearly 20 years. He now considers that he is one of the “cool new Dali people”.

Mr. Linden was born and raised in Chicago. He first visited China in 1984. He received a scholarship (奖学金) from the Chinese Government and came to study in Beijing. During his stayhe was deeply attracted by Chinese culture and would love to be its communicator.

After working and travelling in more than 100 countries, Mr. Linden gave up his job in the US, sold his house and moved to China with his family in 2004. He wanted to find a place and create a new lifestyle. After a tour around China, Mr. Linden and his wife finally decided to live in Xizhou, a small town not far from Dali.

“I’m a fan of China’s traditional buildings. Xizhou is a beautiful town with hundreds of old buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Traditions here keep as alive as ever and the local people treat me like family,” said Mr. Linden.

With the help of the Dali government, Mr. Linden repaired a traditional Bai-style (白族风格) house into a hotel for foreign tourists. The hotel provides international education projects for European and American schools. It also opens 50% of its room (空间) to the public, creating a place for more people to communicate with the villagers. It offers free English classes to villagers once a week.

When talking about his future plans, Mr. Linden said he wanted to do more to share the beauty of China with the world. “Our goal (目标) is to turn Xizhou into a window for foreigners to learn about China,” said Mr. Linden. “I hope that through my efforts, more people will love China.”

1.Mr. Linden does many things EXCEPT ________.

A writing

B doing business

C travelling

D working on a farm

解析:选D。直接定位原文第一段“ Mr. Linden, wears many hats: a writer, a businessman, a traveller, an educator and the founder of a famous hotel. ”意思是“林登先生有着许多头衔:作家、商人、旅行家、教育家和一家著名酒店的创始人。”A,B,C选项都包含其中,D选项文章中并没有提及,选D。

2.What does the underlined word “attracted” mean in Paragraph 2?

A 吸引

B 扩大

C 丰富

D 吸收

解析:选A。第二段划线单词的意思是,直接定位你原文第二段,后半句是“ and would love to be its communicator.”意思是“并希望成为中国文化的传播者。”那么由此可以结合该段该句推测,只有喜欢只有被吸引才会想要去传播其他国家的文化,所以答案选A。

3.Where did Mr. Linden decide to live after a tour around China?

A In Beijing.

B In Xizhou.

C In Chicago.

D In Nanjing.

解析:选B。定位到原文第三段“After a tour around China, Mr. Linden and his wife finally decided to live in Xizhou, a small town not far from Dali.”可知,选项B为正确答案。

4.With the help of ________, Mr. Linden repaired a traditional Bai-style house into a hotel.

A his friends

B foreign tourists

C the local government

D American schools

解析:选C。原文第5段第一句“With the help of the Dali government, Mr. Linden repaired a traditional Bai-style (白族风格) house into a hotel for foreign tourists. ”意思是“在大理政府的帮助下,Linden 先生将一座传统的白族风格房屋修葺一新,改造成了一家面向外国游客的酒店。”可知,C选项正确。

5.According to the passage, what is Mr. Linden’s goal in the future?

A To repair more ancient buildings.

B To let more people know about China.

C To teach more people English for free.

D To build more hotels.

解析:选B。文章末尾原句“I hope that through my efforts, more people will love China.”意思“我希望通过我的努力,让更多的人爱上中国。”进行总结,可知林登先生的目标是为了让更多的人知道了解中国。所以排除A,C,D选项,选D。