
Recently, the story of a Chinese girl playing the erhu on the streets of Milan, Italy has been reported. She has been trying street performances in her spare time since April 2023. Every time she performs, she attracts (吸引) many people to watch, building a bridge of communication between China and Italy through music. The girl is Zheng Xiaohui from Weifang, who is talented in playing the erhu.

In 2021, Zheng went to Milan for study. There, she found the street art culture was very popular. She saw some wonderful street performances that caused many people to dance, “I was so touched, and found that music has a great power to bring people together,” she said.

In 2023, Zheng started her street performance during Milan Design Week. And many tourists were attracted by her performance. Some even experienced playing the erhu. Zheng also performed at the 2023 Milan Fashion Week. “I am very happy that China’s erhu has shown its special beauty on the international stage,” Zheng said.

With the popularity of her performances, Zheng has more chances to show traditional Chinese culture. Besides street performances, she also performs online and gives concerts to show the beauty of the erhu to the world. She hopes to meet more friends who love Chinese folk music and traditional Chinese culture through her performances.

1.How does the writer begin the text?

A By telling a fact.

B By making a suggestion.

C By answering a question.


解析:选A。文章第一段一句“Recently, the story of a Chinese girl playing the erhu on the streets of Milan, Italy has been reported. ”意思“最近,一位中国女孩在意大利米兰街头拉二胡的故事被报道了出来。”表明文章开始是根据事实讲述的。

2.What can we infer (推断) from the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?

A Zheng may learn to dance from local people.

B Zheng may make money by street performances.

C Zheng may produce the idea of playing the erhu on the streets.


解析:选C。第二段划线部分原文是“I was so touched, and found that music has a great power to bring people together”意思是“我很受触动,发现音乐有很强的凝聚力,”由此可以推断主人公是有去表演音乐的想法,选C选项;第二段中虽然提到有很多人在街头跳舞,但主人公并没有这个意思,A项错误;B项,靠街头表演挣钱并没有提及到,不选。

3.How many ways did Zheng use to show the beauty of the erhu?

A One.

B Two.

C Three.


解析:选C。可从文章第四段直接得出,第四段原句为“ Besides street performances, she also performs online and gives concerts to show the beauty of the erhu to the world. ”意思是“除了街头演出,她还通过网络和音乐会向世界展示二胡之美”可知,一共有三种方法:街头演出,网络和音乐会三种。

4.What is the purpose of Zheng’s performances?

A To make more people know her.

B To show her love for playing the erhu.

C To spread traditional Chinese culture through folk music.

