
China is developing rapidly, with its people living a peaceful and happy life. While developing itself, China never fails to offer a helping hand to its friends.

On the Road to Peace

China has now been part of the UN peacekeeping missions (任务) for more than 30 years. UN peacekeeping missions provide different services including protecting civilians (平民).

In April 2023, the Chinese peacekeepers carried out an important task in Sudan. They successfully sent more than 1,100 people to safe places.

Into the Disaster Area (灾区)

In disaster areas, uniforms with “China Rescue (救援)” on the back offer a sign of hope and love. The Chinese rescue team is known for its quick and well-organized search and rescue work.

When earthquakes happened in Afghanistan and Nepal in October 2023, “China Rescue” quickly took action to transport things needed to the disaster areas.

Railway of Friendship

There are many high mountains between China and its neighboring country, Laos. The China-Laos Railway has broken through those barriers. This amazing achievement was made possible by the Lao workers and a large number of Chinese workers. They traveled far from their homes to build 1,035 kilometers of railway lines, including 301 bridges and 167 tunnels (隧道).

The peacekeepers, “China Rescue” and railway workers, are just some of the many thousands of Chinese who have spent all of their time and energy helping others around the world. Their selfless actions and tireless efforts bring honor to their homeland and help to build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind.

1.When did the earthquakes happen in Afghanistan and Nepal?

A In April 2023.

B In May 2023.

C In September 2023.

D In October 2023.

解析:选D。答案选D选项,直接回溯原文可得,在“Into the Disaster Area (灾区)”备份,第二段第一排“When earthquakes happened in Afghanistan and Nepal in October 2023”可知。

2.What does the underlined word “barriers” mean in the passage? barrier /’bæriə(r)/n.[C] plural barriers

A A barrier is something such as a rule or law that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved.

B A barrier is a problem that prevents two people or groups from agreeing. communicating. or working with each other.

C A barrier is something like a wall that is put in place to prevent people from moving easily from one area to another.

D A barrier is a natural object that prevents something or someone from moving from one place to another.

解析:选D。在文章“Railway of Friendship”部分,“There are many high mountains between China and its neighboring country, Laos. The China-Laos Railway has broken through those barriers.”意思是“中国与邻国老挝之间有许多高山。中老铁路突破了这些障碍。”这里的“高山”就是自然存在的物体作为障碍物。所以答案选择D选项。

3. What is the passage mainly about?

A China’s selfless and tireless railway workers.

B China’s actions to help people around the world.

C How the Chinese peacekeepers help people abroad.

D Why Chinese people can live a peaceful and happy life.

解析:选B。A项,只阐述了“Railway of Friendship”部分铁路工人的付出;C项,只阐述了“On the Road to Peace”部分维和人员的付出;综合文章大意,本文讲的是中国对世界各国的帮助,选B选项。D项“为什么中国人可以过得安居乐业”并不符合题意。

4.In which part of a newspaper can you probably read this passage?

A Science.

B World.

C Sports.

D Travel.
