
    A long time ago, there was a man named Ye Gong. He had a loong pattern (图案) on his clothes, a loong pattern on his cup, and a loong pattern on the wall of his house. He told others that he really   ▲   loongs.

    The real loong in the sky heard that Ye Gong liked loongs very much and was very happy. The real loong then flew to Ye Gong’s house. Ye Gong was resting in the yard (院子) at his house. He suddenly (突然) saw the real loong flying towards him. Ye Gong got very scared and ran away.

1.Ye Gong didn’t have a loong pattern _________.

A on his clothes

B on his cup

C on his table

D on his house wall

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,叶公的衣服上有龙的图案,他的杯子上有龙的图案,他房子的墙上也有龙的图案。并未提及他的桌子上有龙的图案。故选C。

2.Which word can be put in the “ ▲ ”?

A liked

B needed

C missed

D believed


3.Where was the real loong?

A In the sky.

B Near Ye Gong’s house.

C In Ye Gong’s yard.

D In Ye Gong’s room.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句的“The real loong in the sky”可知,真的龙在天上。故选A。

4.Did Ye Gong really like loongs?

A Yes, he did.

B Yes, he was.

C No, he didn’t.

D No, he wasn’t.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“He suddenly saw the real loong flying towards him. Ye Gong got very scared and ran away.”叶公突然看到真正的龙向他飞来,他吓得跑开了。由此可知,叶公并不是真正地喜欢龙。故选C。