
    It is 2024 now. Four years ago, a student with cerebral palsy (脑瘫) in east China’s Anhui province moved many people by achieving good results in his gaokao. The student’s name is Yao Junpeng. Recently, he graduated from China Pharmaceutical University and took part in his undergraduate graduation ceremony.

    Yao Junpeng was born in 2001. He was born with cerebral palsy, but he never gave up on his studies. The illness was a huge physical challenge to him. He had to write very slowly because of his health condition. During high school, Yao was unable to complete his essays (作文) in the Chinese language exams. That was the most challenging problem for him, as students have to complete an essay in the gaokao. So his high school and his parents asked for more time for him during the exam. That was a great help to him, allowing him to complete the essay. When he received his college entrance exam results, he found that he had scored 623 points, 108 higher than the enrollment cut-off point for key universities in China.

    “It’s hard to imagine what hard work must have been needed for a young man with cerebral palsy who cannot take care of himself to exceed (超越) himself,” said his head teacher, adding that Yao’s hard work and the feeling of being hopeful about the future have encouraged his classmates.

    Many social media users were moved by his story. “You have a bright future.” “We can well imagine what great efforts he has made.”

奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What happened to Yao Junpeng four years ago?

A He did very well in his gaokao.

B The doctor said he had cerebral palsy.

C He graduated from the university.

D He missed his graduation ceremony.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Four years ago, a student with cerebral palsy in east China’s Anhui province has moved many by achieving good results in his gaokao.”可知,四年前,他在高考中取得了优异的成绩。故选A。

2.Why did Yao Junpeng face a challenge during the Chinese language exams?

A He couldn’t write fast enough.

B He didn’t understand the exam questions.

C He was not allowed more time.

D He was not good at writing essays.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段的“The illness was a huge physical challenge to him. He had to write very slowly because of his health condition.”可知,因为脑瘫的原因,他的双腿和双手不灵活,这也导致他写字非常困难,因此语文考试中写作文部分对他来说是个挑战。故选A。

3.When Yao Junpeng took the gaokao, the enrollment cut-off point for key universities was __________.

A 508

B 541

C 515

D 623

解析:选C。C数字计算题。根据第二段最后一句“he found that he had scored 623 points, 108 higher than the enrollment cut-off point for key universities in China.”可知,姚俊鹏高考分超过(理科)一本线108分,考了623分,因此他参加高考的那一年,相应的一本线为515分。故选C。

4.Yao Junpeng’s head teacher talked about him in a _________ tone (语气).

A humorous

B angry

C serious

D proud

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“It’s hard to imagine what hard work must have been needed for a young man with cerebral palsy who cannot take care of himself to exceed himself”可知,姚俊鹏的班主任给予了他极高的评价:很难想象他为了超越自己付出了多少努力,他的毅力、拼搏和乐观激励着班上的每位同学。由此可知,当他谈论起他的学生姚俊鹏时,满是自豪。故选D。

5.You may read this passage in the __________ part of a magazine.

A health

B sports

C people

D culture

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要讲了高考623分脑瘫少年大学毕业,属于“人物”版块。故选C。