
Given the astonishing potential of AI to transform our lives, we all need to take action to deal with our AI-powered future, and this is where AI by Design: A Plan for Living with Artificial Intelligence comes in. This absorbing new book by Catriona Campbell is a practical roadmap addressing the challenges posed by the forthcoming AI revolution (变革).

In the wrong hands, such a book could prove as complicated to process as the computer code (代码) that powers AI but, thankfully, Campbell has more than two decades’ professional experience translating the heady into the understandable. She writes from the practical angle of a business person rather than as an academic, making for a guide which is highly accessible and informative and which, by the close, will make you feel almost as smart as AI.

As we soon come to learn from AI by Design, AI is already super-smart and will become more capable, moving from the current generation of “narrow-AI” to Artificial General Intelligence. From there, Campbell says, will come Artificial Dominant Intelligence. This is why Campbell has set out to raise awareness of AI and its future now — several decades before these developments are expected to take place. She says it is essential that we keep control of artificial intelligence, or risk being sidelined and perhaps even worse.

Campbell’s point is to wake up those responsible for AI — the technology companies and world leaders — so they are on the same page as all the experts currently developing it. She explains we are at a “tipping point” in history and must act now to prevent an extinction-level event for humanity. We need to consider how we want our future with AI to pan out. Such structured thinking, followed by global regulation, will enable us to achieve greatness rather than our downfall.

AI will affect us all, and if you only read one book on the subject, this is it.

1.What does the phrase “In the wrong hands” in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A If read by someone poorly educated.

B If reviewed by someone ill-intentioned.

C If written by someone less competent.

D If translated by someone unacademic.

解析:选C。C 词义猜测题。第二段主要介绍了《人工智能设计》这本书的作者信息。由画线词后文中的but可知,所在句子前后语义转折。but后是现在时态描述一种事实,指出这本书作者Campbel拥有二十多年的专业经验,能将枯燥难懂的内容变得很通俗易懂。but前提到,这本书可能会像计算机代码一样复杂难懂,其中could表示一种假设或可能情况,由此可推知,but前应该是假设一个除Campbell之外的作者写出这本书的情况。故选C。

2.What is a feature of AI by Design according to the text?

A It is packed with complex codes

B It adopts a down-to-earth writing style.

C It provides step-by-step instructions.

D It is intended for AI professionals.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。第二段最后一句提到,《人工智能设计》这本书的作者从商业人士(而非学者)的实用角度出发,使得这本书极易理解、内容丰富,这意味着该书不会涉及过于复杂或技术性的语言,而是旨在为广泛读者群体提供易于理解的内容。B项中的down-to-earth同义替换文中的practical和highly accessible。故选B。

3.What does Campbell urge people to do regarding AI development?

A Observe existing regulations on it.

B Reconsider expert opinions about it.

C Make joint efforts to keep it under control.

D Learn from prior experience to slow it down.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。第三段最后一句中,Campbel 建议必须保持对人工智能的控制。第四段指出,Campbell期望科技公司和世界领导人与当前正在开发它的所有专家保持一致,并表示人类处在历史的“转折点”,必须立即采取行动,以防止面临灭绝级别的事件。这表明了她呼吁人们共同努力来控制人工智能的发展,以避免潜在的灾难。C项中的keep it under control同义替换文中的 keep control of artificial intelligence。故选C。

4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A To recommend a book on AI.

B To give a brief account of AI history.

C To clarify the definition of AI.

D To honor an outstanding AI expert.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“if you only read one book on the subject, this is it.”(如果你只读一本这个话题的书,那就是这本了)可知,作者的目的是推荐这本书。故选A。