
In recent years, the annual basketball event, also called Cun BA, has become a big thing in the countryside, especially in Guizhou. It all started with people in the countryside who really love playing basketball. They began organizing small games, and soon, it grew into a popular event that everyone looked forward to. Now, the Cun BA is famous not just in Guizhou but also in many other places.

In our community, the Cun BA has made a huge difference. It has brought people closer together. Before, everyone was busy with their own work, but now, they come together to play or watch basketball games. It has created a sense of unity and friendship among us. Besides, the games have encouraged the building of more sports facilities (设施), like basketball courts. This has given everyone, especially kids, a place to play and stay active. It’s wonderful to see how much healthier and happier people are because of these games.
I have watched many Cun BA games, and they are always so exciting. The players are really good, and the crowd is always cheering loudly. It’s amazing to see how much everyone enjoys it. The energy and excitement are contagious (有感染力的). Sometimes, I feel like I’m part of something really special when I watch these games.
We would love to invite people from far away to come to Guizhou to watch these fantastic Cun BA games. It’s an experience you won’t find anywhere else. You will see how basketball can bring a whole community together and make life more colorful. So, if you ever get the chance, come to Guizhou and enjoy the great Cun BA games. You won’t be disappointed!
奇速英语 原创编写 版权所有 侵权必究! 每日更新 个性化阅读 英语飙升!

1.What encouraged the development of the Cun BA?

A Enough money.

B Rich experiences.

C People’s interest.

D Amazing players.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段中的“It all started with people in the countryside who really love playing basketball.”可知,是人们对篮球的热爱促使了“村BA”的形成。故选C。

2.Advantages of the Cun BA include ________ according to the passage. ①improving people’s health ②uniting neighbors ③developing sports facilities ④opening up people’s eyes

A ①②

B ①②③

C ②③④

D ①②③④

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段中的“brought people closer together”“encouraged the building of more sports facilities”“healthier”等可知,村BA让人们更团结,鼓励建造更多的体育设施,让人们更健康更快乐,并未提及开拓人们的视野。故选B。

3.How does the writer feel about the Cun BA games?

A They make him/her feel at home.

B He/she believes they are part of their lives.

C He/she thinks they are very wonderful.

D He/she does not care much about them.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“they are always so exciting”“really good”“It’s amazing”等可知,作者认为“村BA”很棒。故选C。

4.What does the writer do in the last paragraph?

A Advising people to play basketball.

B Raising money for the Cun BA.

C Calling on people to join.

D Introducing the Cun BA.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“We would love to invite people from far away to come to Guizhou to see these fantastic Cun BA games.”可知,该段主要是在对远方的客人表示欢迎,即号召人们前来贵州旅游和观看“村BA”。故选C。

5.In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?

A Sports.

B Culture.

C Entertainment.

D Society.
