

A California zoo has begun holding regular iPad gaming sessions - for its penguins.  

Staffs at the aquarium say its animals love to play a game originally designed for cats. However, instead of using paws, they peck at the screen to try and catch a stray mouse that runs around in the game.

Sara Mandel at the aquarium said she originally tried out the game at home. “It’s a game called Game for Cats - but we found the penguins like to hang out with it. I’d originally bought it for my cats, but I put in down in their enclosure and two of the penguins just started pecking at it.”

The team were astonished when the birds instantly took to the game, chasing an on-screen mouse and managing to score highly on the game by tapping their beaks on the screen. Two of the penguins, Jeremy and Newson, began the game, but Mandel says many of the animals now regularly play. “The animals all started playing with it. We even find they get so absorbed we can examine them. We know they like this game, and we know they like shiny objects - so we are hoping someone will put the two together.”

Zoo volunteer Hugo Ryono first experiments with the game at the zoo in 2013. He had the idea after a discussion with keepers about the iPad app Game for Cats and wondering if it could be used as an improvement aid for the penguins. 

Sara Mandel said, “Penguins are very curious and the idea of these birds following a virtual mouse on a screen was just too appealing. Then we set up a penguin video arcade in the exhibit last week. When Jeremy and Newsom noticed the iPad in the exhibit they both waddled on over. Jeremy was the first to try it out but Newsom was the one that really got into it. He set the high score of 1600 for the game.”


1.How did the penguins play the game?

A They hanged out with the game because of the running mouse.

B They tried to catch the mouse by tapping beaks on the screen.

C They ran after the mouse in the enclosure and found it much fun.

D They used their paws to tap at the running mouse on the screen.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段,结合第四段tapping their beaks on the screen可知,企鹅玩捉鼠游戏是用喙敲击屏幕上闪光点进行的。

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A Sara was interested in playing Game for Cats.

B Game for Cats is used to develop pets’ skills.

C Sara’s cat was fond of playing Game for Cats.

D Most of the penguins like playing the game now.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章第三段I’d originally bought it for my cats可知,这个iPad是Sara给自己的宠物猫买的。由此判断,Sara的猫咪是喜欢玩捉鼠游戏的。

3.What is the possible reason for the penguins to be interested in playing the game?

A Shining objects draw penguins’ attention easily.

B Penguins like to hang out with a stray mouse.

C A running mouse is appealing to the penguins.

D Penguins tap their beaks to amuse themselves.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第四段We know they like this game, and we know they like shiny objects可知,企鹅喜欢闪亮的东西,即发亮的东西容易引起企鹅的注意或兴趣。

4.Why did the staffs set up the video arcade?

A They wanted to hold an exhibit of the life of penguins.

B They attempted to satisfy the penguins’ curiosity.

C They were making a scientific research into penguins.

D They intended to hold gaming sessions for the penguins.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段,结合文章首句A California zoo has begun holding regular iPad gaming sessions - for its penguins可知,企鹅馆员建立电子游戏室的目的是为了举办企鹅游戏会。

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A IPad Has Developed Games for Penguins.

B Penguins Show Talents in Playing Games.

C Gaming Sessions Held for Penguins.

D IPad Games for Animals.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了企鹅喜欢玩捉鼠游戏的情况,故B项《企鹅玩游戏出众》能概括文章的大意。