男童患罕见病 母亲心碎陪医
男童患罕见病 母亲心碎陪医

When Jakob was born with a single crease (折痕) on both of his palms, the doctor warned his mother this could indicate a health condition. Lucy remembered she was told to “just bear in mind that could mean something” following her son’s birth nine years ago. She said it still came as a shock, however, when Jakob was diagnosed last year with MPS VII — a condition that on average one baby every 10 years is born with in the UK.

“We knew something was different with Jakob when he was born and as the years progressed on, it became more apparent,” Lucy explained. “MPS VII is a progressive and life-limiting condition. It mostly affects him with his mobility due to a lot of pain and stiffness (僵硬), but he also suffers from development delay and cognitive impairment (认知障碍). It’s only mild, but he is delayed by a few years.”
Jakob receives treatment every week to manage the condition. Lucy said she was extremely proud of her son. “He smiles through every single appointment and talks often,” she said. The family is looking towards the future and managing Jakob’s condition “one step at a time”. “We have a lot of hospital visits and the future is kind of unknown as the condition is so rare. We have to follow the doctors as they are just fantastic,” Lucy said. 
The 36-year-old mother is now sharing the reality of parenting a child living with this life-limiting condition, raising awareness and helping others going through a similar experience. “I know that when we became aware of Jakob’s condition there was no-one out there in a similar situation that we could turn to. If another child can get diagnosed earlier and start treatment a lot earlier, that would be fantastic.”
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1.What can we know from the first paragraph?

A Jakob was born with MPS VII.

B Jakob was diagnosed at age eight.

C Lucy wasn’t astonished by the diagnosis.

D MPS VII is common in the UK.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第一段中的“following her son’s birth nine years ago”和“when Jakob was diagnosed last year with MPS VII”可知,九年前,雅各布出生,一年前,雅各布确诊MPS VII。由此可推知,当雅各布确诊时,他8岁。故选B。

2.MPS VII does NOT influence Jakob’s ___________.

A movement

B cognitive ability

C sense of pain

D development

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“It mostly affects him with his mobility due to a lot of pain and stiffness (僵硬), but he also suffers from development delay and cognitive impairment (认知障碍).”可知MPS VII影响了雅各布的行动能力,他还患有发育迟缓和认知障碍,但并没影响他的痛觉。故选C。

3.What kind of person is Jakob?

A Weak but helpful.

B Kind and humorous.

C Sincere and generous.

D Cheerful and optimistic.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“He smiles through every single appointment and talks often”可知雅各布是一个乐观开朗的人。故选D。

4.What is Lucy doing?

A Spreading knowledge.

B Passing on love.

C Making friends.

D Helping health services.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The 36-year-old mother is now sharing the reality of parenting a child living with this life-limiting condition, raising awareness and helping others going through a similar experience.”这位36岁的母亲现在正在分享抚养一个患有这种生命限制疾病的孩子的现实,提高人们的认识,并帮助其他有类似经历的人。可知,露西正在传递爱。故选B。