
In a heartwarming story, Mr. Sun from Fushun, Liaoning province, made a video using AI technology to make his grandma happy. He used a special computer technology to make himself look and sound like his dad, who had been dead. It took him almost half a month to finish it. Then he sent the video to his 91-year-old grandma. Sun had lots of feelings while making the video. He felt a lot of sadness thinking about his dad and how much he missed him.

Sun’s dad died in 2023 because of a serious disease. Sun’s grandma didn’t know about it because her family worried it would make her too sad. They told her that her son was still in hospital far away. However, the grandma missed her son a lot and wanted to talk to him.

Sun got a creative idea from movies. He decided to use a computer program to make a video where he looked like his dad. He even had his hair cut to look more like his dad. With the computer program, he changed his face into his father’s in the video and said, “Mom, it’s Jihai, your son. I’m doing well in Beijing.” The video wasn’t very clear, but the grandma believed it was really her son.

In fact, Sun made the video to help himself say goodbye to his dad as well and to start a new page in his life. Although it’s hard, Sun wants to be strong like his dad and take care of his family. Now, Sun is taking care of his grandma like his dad would have.

1.What did Mr. Sun use to make the video?

A Some stories.

B AI technology.

C Some movies.

D His family photos.

解析:选B。文章第一段第一句和第二句分别提到了AI technology和 special computer technology 去帮助“重现”孙的父亲,所以可以直接得出答案。

2.How long did Mr. Sun spend making the video?

A Half an hour.

B Two days.

C Almost a week.

D Almost half a month.

解析:选D。直接定位文章第一段第三排 “most half a month to finish it.”可得出答案,选D选项。

3.Why did Sun’s grandma know nothing about her son’s death?

A Because she was too old to remember her son.

B Because her family wanted her to start a new page.

C Because she was very busy looking after her family.

D Because her family worried it would bring her much sadness.

解析:选D。直接定位原文第二段第二句 “ Sun’s grandma didn’t know about it because her family worried it would make her too sad. ”是因为担心奶奶太过于伤心而不告诉奶奶父亲去世的消息。所以正确答案选D选项。

4.What’s Sun’s possible opinion about AI technology?

A It’s helpful.

B It’s terrible.

C It’s worrying.

D It’s unknown.

解析:选A。文章的第三段,A技术帮助孙完成了奶奶想要见他父亲的愿望,由此可以推断,孙对AI技术的态度不可能是B项 糟糕的,C项担心的,更不可能会是一无所知。所以综合可知是有帮助的,选A项。

5.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A The Importance of AI

B Mother’s Great Love

C A Heartwarming Story

D Ways of Saying Goodbye

解析:选D。选项A,虽然文章有提到AI技术帮助孙完成奶奶想见父亲的心愿,但并不是文章的中心思想;选项B,文章内容是讲孙帮助奶奶的事情,没有描述奶奶与父亲之前的故事。 选项D,完美概括了文章的中心故事内容,且把选项C的内容概括其中,综合看来,D项较为合适作为文章标题。