
More than 80% of skin cancer cases are caused by sunburn — and this number is rising year on year. There are an estimated 1.5 million new cases of skin cancer globally each year, with this figure expected to rise by 50% by 2040. Wearing sunscreen is widely acknowledged as being one of the best things we can do for our health. But how and when to apply sunscreen? There’s still a lot of confusion. 

Experts usually recommend that people apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before sun exposure to allow time for it to absorb into the skin. It might be wise to apply it twice, since studies show that most people tend to underapply sunscreen. Scientists also advise reapplying sunscreen after sweating, being in water, or if our skin has rubbed up against clothing or sand. It’s also important to not mix sunscreen with other skin products. This is because many skin products contain ingredients that may make the sunscreens less effective. 
It’s advised about six teaspoons for the face and body on an average-sized adult. However, studies have shown that people generally apply much less than they need, and therefore are not as protected as they think they are. As for young kids, it differs from ages. Babies under the age of six months shouldn’t wear sunscreen. They shouldn’t be directly exposed to the sun. And it’s recommended that you apply two teaspoons of sunscreen to two-year-olds, three teaspoons for five-year-olds, four teaspoons for nine-year-olds and five teaspoons for 13-year-olds. For older children, scientists recommend reapplying sunscreen every two hours.
What type of sunscreen should I use? Experts recommend using sunscreen with a five star rating of at least 30 SPF, and covering skin up with clothing, too. Skin cancer charities recommend wearing suncream on all exposed skin when being outdoors, every day of the year, and urge the importance of limiting your time in the sun, even when you are wearing suncream.
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1.Why does the author use statistics in Paragraph 1?

A To show readers the previous studies results.

B To reveal the number of skin cancer cases.

C To present the need of applying sunscreen.

D To prove some health facts and warnings.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Wearing sunscreen is widely acknowledged as being one of the best things we can do for our health.”可推知,第一段开头的数据是用这些严峻的事实和关于日晒的风险来告诉我们,涂抹防晒霜十分重要。故选C。

2.What is recommended when applying sunscreen?

A Leaving enough time for the skin to absorb.

B Applying sunscreen over and over again.

C Applying sunscreen with other skin products.

D Reapplying sunscreen after swimming indoors.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Experts usually recommend that people apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before sun exposure to allow time for it to absorb into the skin.”专家建议人们在阳光照射前20-30分钟涂抹防晒霜,以使其有时间被皮肤吸收,即要预留足够的时间让皮肤吸收防晒霜。故选A。

3.What’s the third paragraph mainly about?

A The best way to apply sunscreen.

B The different causes of skin cancers.

C The risks of sun exposure in children.

D The recommended amount of sunscreen.

解析:选D。D段落大意题。根据第三段中的关键词句“about six teaspoons”“you apply two teaspoons of sunscreen to two-year-olds, three teaspoons for five-year-olds, four teaspoons for nine-year-olds and five teaspoons for 13-year-olds”等可知,该段主要讲的是不同年龄段的人使用防晒霜的量。故选D。

4.What’s the warm tip from experts?

A Never expose skin directly under the sun.

B Using sunscreen with at most 30 SPF.

C Reducing your time in the sun.

D Wearing sunscreen during nights.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“and urge the importance of limiting your time in the sun, even when you are wearing suncream”可知,专家建议,即使涂了防晒霜,也要限制在阳光下曝露的时间。故选C。