
Standing on the beach of Copacabana, I come to realize that any understanding of Brazil really begins on its beaches. Everyone here has his or her perfect beach and is ready to tell you where to find it. I’m happy to take people’s advice, but my final goal is to find my own dream beach.

I head to Bahia, a place with Brazil’s best coastline. Over the centuries, people of many races have arrived here, creating a wonderful cultural mix. This mix influences Bahia’s language, food,music, and dance.

On arriving at one of Bahia’s best beaches — Prainha, I discover its golden sand lined by a row of perfect trees, moving softly in the ocean wind. As I enter the water, I have the feeling of swimming through moonlight. Prainha’s beauty is like something you might see in a postcard. But for me, it’s a little too perfect.   ▲   

I continue my search, heading north to Maceió, a fisherman’s beach. Boats lie on their sides while nets hang out to dry on lines between fishermen’s houses. We eat on the beach and later rest near the table. It’s a great day, but I have one final place to visit.

A few hundred kilometers out in the Atlantic, the islands of Femando de Noronha are a national park, rich with birds and sea life. I visit a number of beaches on Fernando, but I leave the best one for last.

The beach at Praia do Leio has perfect sand, sea and sky. The water is pale blue and warm, alive with colorful fish and other sea life; the sand is the color of honey. The rocks and strong winds have the touch of wildness I was looking for. I dig my toes in the sand deeply and imagine I can hold on to this place forever.

1.Which is the first beach the writer visits?

A Maceió.

B Praia do Leio.

C Prainha.

D Copacabana.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Standing on the beach of Copacabana, I come to realize that any understanding of Brazil really begins on its beaches.”可知,作者到的第一个海滩是Copacabana。故选D。

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A Prainha is a popular beach for fishermen.

B Bahia is a place with a wonderful cultural mix.

C The islands of Femando are very rich in honey.

D Macció’s beauty is like something in a postcard.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段的“I head to Bahia... creating a wonderful cultural mix”可知,Bahia是一个文化交融的地方,B项正确;根据第四段中的“Maceió, a fisherman’s beach”可知,A项不正确;根据最后一段中的“the sand is the color of honey”可知C项不正确;根据第三段中的“ Prainha’s beauty is like something you might see in a postcard”可知D项不正确。故选B。

3.Which sentence can be put in the ▲ ?

A The beach I’m searching for needs to be a little wilder.

B The beach I’m looking for is a place for fishermen to fish.

C The beach I’m searching for needs to be famous to tourists.

D The beach I’m looking for is popular with parents and children.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据题空前的句“Prainha’s beauty is like something you might see in a postcard. But for me, it’s a little too perfect.”普兰哈的美丽就像你在明信片上看到的一样。但对我来说,这有点太完美了。并结合最后一段中的“The rocks and strong winds have the touch of wildness I was looking for.”岩石和强风有我一直在寻找的原始性。由此可知,作者要寻找更天然原始的海滩。故选A。

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A An Unknown Beach.

B Memories of Vacation.

C The Perfect Beach.

D A Tour of Education.

解析:选C。C 主旨大意题。结合文章第一段中的“Everyone here has his or her perfect beach and is ready to tell you where to find it. I’m happy to take people’s advice, but my final goal is to find my own dream beach.”这里的每个人都有他或她的完美海滩,并准备告诉你在哪里可以找到它。我很乐意接受别人的建议,但我的最终目标是找到自己的梦想海滩。由此可知作者在本文主要描写了自己寻找完美海滩的经历,因此C项的“完美海滩”最符合本文大意。故选C。