
Is comprehension the same whether a person reads a text onscreen or on paper? And are listening to and viewing content as effective as reading the written word when covering the same material? The answers to both questions are often “no”. The reasons relate to a variety of factors, including reduced concentration, an entertainment mindset (心态) and a tendency to multitask while consuming digital content.

When reading texts of several hundred words or more, learning is generally more successful when it’s on paper than onscreen. A large amount of research confirms this finding. The benefits of print reading particularly shine through when experimenters move from posing simple tasks — like identifying the main idea in a reading passage — to ones that require mental abstraction — such as drawing inferences from a text.
The differences between print and digital reading results are partly related to paper’s physical properties. With paper, there is a literal laying on of hands, along with the visual geography of distinct pages. People often link their memory of what they’ve read to how far into the book it was or where it was on the page.
But equally important is the mental aspect. Reading researchers have proposed a theory called “shallowing hypothesis (假说)”. According to this theory, people approach digital texts with a mindset suited to social media, which are often not so serious, and devote less mental effort than when they are reading print.
Audio (音频) and video can feel more engaging than text, and so university teachers increasingly turn to these technologies — say, assigning an online talk instead of an article by the same person. However, psychologists have demonstrated that when adults read news stories, they remember more of the content than if they listen to or view identical pieces.
Digital texts, audio and video all have educational roles, especially when providing resources not available in print. However, for maximizing learning where mental focus and reflection are called for, educators shouldn’t assume all media are the same, even when they contain identical words.

1.What does the underlined phrase “shine through” in paragraph 2 mean?

A Seem unlikely to last.

B Seem hard to explain.

C Become ready to use.

D Become easy to notice.

解析:选D。D 词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句话,前面的核心论点是在阅读好几百字材料的时候,我们发现纸质书相比电子屏幕,在习得感方面纸质书更胜一筹,有很多研究证实了这一点,特别是当实验者把任务从易到难推进的时候,我们会发现纸质书的优势更加明显,所以shine through应该是(纸质书的)优势贯穿整个过程,它的优势特别明显之意,更容易被人注意到,选D。

2.What does the shallowing hypothesis assume?

A Readers treat digital texts lightly.

B Digital texts are simpler to understand.

C People select digital texts randomly.

D Digital texts are suitable for social media.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第四段第三句话according to...print 可知,人们在对待电子文本时,他们的态度类似于对待社交媒体,他们对待社交媒体的态度不严肃,且脑力投入相比阅读纸质材料要更少,所以他们没有严肃对待电子文本,不严肃对待是take sth lightly,选A。

3.Why are audio and video increasingly used by university teachers?

A They can hold students’ attention.

B They are more convenient to prepare.

C They help develop advanced skills.

D They are more informative than text.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句话audio and video can feel...person可知,音频和视频相比文本来说更加让人投入,让人投入的,让人觉得有吸引力的是engaging,所以大学老师抓准了音频和视频的这点优势,在课堂上越来越青睐它们。engaging 与A选项的hold one’s attention属于同义替换。选A。

4.What does the author imply in the last paragraph?

A Students should apply multiple learning techniques.

B Teachers should produce their own teaching material.

C Print texts cannot be entirely replaced in education.

D Education outside the classroom cannot be ignored.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据最后一段,尤其是however后面,从for maximizing... identical words这些话可知,教育者不能想当然地认为所有的媒介带来的教育效果是一样的,即它们并不一样,而且,本文的中心是说纸质书在学习效果方面相比视频和音频更加明显,所以纸质文本不能完全在教育中被电子媒介所代替。C选项也能够更好地呼应文章中心。选C。