
In a small village, there lived two friends Anthony and Colin. Their friendship was unusual. Their characters were opposite yet they were close friends. Anthony was very dishonest at heart while Colin was a very honest man.

One day, Anthony said to Colin, “Why don’t we start a business together?” Colin agreed and so the two set off together to a nearby city to set up and start their business.

After a few months, the two friends had made enough money. They started back together to their own village. On the way back, they had to pass through a forest. That night when they stopped to take a rest, Anthony decided to keep all the money for himself. He spent the whole night planning and at daybreak he had an evil plan ready in his mind.

When they were about to resume their journey, Anthony turned to Colin and said, “You know, I have been thinking. We have made a lot of money. Maybe it is not wise to take all the money back to the village. Let us bury (埋) all the money here. We can come back together whenever we need money and take out as much as we need.”

“That is an excellent idea,” agreed Colin. They buried the money at the foot of a huge tree and went on to their homes in the village. That night, Anthony went back to the forest secretly and dug out all the money and closed up the hole again.

The next morning, he went to Colin’s house and said, “I need some money. Let us go and bring some of our money back.”

They both went to the tree and began to dig. Not finding any money, Anthony said Colin took it.

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1.Anthony and Colin went to the city to ________.

A do business

B meet friends

C learn some skills

D do some shopping

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“the two set off together to a nearby city to set up and start their business”可知这两个好朋友去临近的城市做生意。故选A。

2.What did the two friends do after they made enough money?

A Continued with their business.

B Built a house in the forest.

C Went back to their village.

D Bought a village.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段中的“After a few months, the two friends had made enough money. They started back together to their own village.”可知,几个月后,安东尼和科林已经赚够了钱,于是他们一起回他们的村子。故选C。

3.Where did they bury the money?

A At home.

B On the half way.

C In the city.

D Near the forest.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“On the way back, they had to pass through a forest. That night when they stopped to take rest”和第四段中的“When they were about to resume their journey”“Let us bury (埋) all the money here.”可知,安东尼和科林把钱埋在了回家半路上的森林中。故选B。

4.Who suggested digging out the money?

A Colin.

B Anthony.

C Colin’s family.

D Anthony’s friend.


5.What might happen next?

A They waited for the money.

B They were still best friends.

C They went home with money.

D They argued with each other.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一句“Not finding any money, Anthony said Colin took it.”钱不见了,安东尼说是科林拿了钱(实际是他自己拿了),接下来他们两个人应该会就钱的问题吵架。故选D。